Spotlight: Never Ending Fall’s Return to Their Roots


☆ BY paula macena


FROM A FOURTH-GRADE TALENT SHOW TO A NATIONWIDE TOUR — indie-rock band Never Ending Fall’s upcoming album, American Disco, is a product of experimentation, nostalgia and staying true to your roots. For a band formed in the fourth grade that has kept the same name ever since, you’d think consistency would be familiar to them. But the NEF boys — Jack, Tommy, Conrad, Pearce and Johnny — love to keep their fans on their toes. Their latest single, “Slow Motion,” ushers in a new era of alternative rock, described by the band as a “summertime indie banger about falling in love.”

In a van packed with band members on their way to the first stop in Oklahoma City on their nationwide tour, excitement radiated from them as they talked about how different this tour would be.

“I think it’s going to be super cool to get into those markets and open up our music to what could be a new fanbase,” NEF’s guitarist, Pearce, says. “I don’t know how our music replicates out there and everything, so it’s going to be really interesting to see how that works.”

The NEF boys plan on broadening their horizons in more than one way. Johnny, their bassist and lead host in their viral “Can It Kirkland” TikTok series, was looking forward to ushering in a new era.

“When we were in COVID, we just got out of college, and we were kind of doing the funky jazz route and having fun with that,” Johnny says. “But now we’ve broadened our horizons with music and we’re taking an alternative rock route, and we’re excited to see what happens when this gets released and what fans resonate with.”

“A big thing, I think, is about live performance, because I think we definitely see ourselves as live performers,” Tommy says. “We just genuinely enjoy playing that type of music.”

Until now, their music genre has changed with every album as the boys tried to figure out what music felt like the best representation of themselves. When they pulled from their childhood influences, they felt called to go in a new direction and start again. For a band that grew up in the Maryland music scene and took a chance in moving to LA, a revitalization was nothing new to them. And now, after years of experimentation and perfecting their craft, NEF reports that their upcoming album, American Disco, feels more authentic than ever.

“A bunch of bands came along and flipped our world upside down,” lead singer, Jack, says. “It really restarted our inspiration for music. We really resonate with it, and we grew up on it.”

“It was almost a clicking moment for me,” Conrad, NEF’s guitarist, says. “When we first moved to LA, we had a super DIY set-up. We were just playing this sort of rock alternative, just improvising, and I feel like, after that, we were like, this is what we need to do.”

Listing Green Day, Blink 182, and The 1975 as their main inspiration for American Disco, NEF’s upcoming tracks and latest single are songs to blast in your car, scream in a crowd, and play on a loop at your friend’s house party. You can catch them in your city on tour, or take their album with you anywhere you go on August 9.

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