Q&A: Logan Taylor Captures the Complexities of Relationships in “Some Other Woman”


☆ BY danielle holian ☆


USING HER SONGWRITING AS A THERAPEUTIC OUTLET – Logan Taylor is a singer and songwriter emerging into the music scene showcasing her effortless talents to construct relatable songs, raw storytelling and captivating instrumentation.

Her latest single “Some Other Woman” is a sneak peek into her upcoming album. Delving into the complexities of relationships, the song touches on the frustrations of loving someone who is in a relationship with someone else. Taylor turned her pain into something greater; something to transport listeners on a voyage of enchanting, yet melancholic soundscaping.

Even though Taylor was devastated over this extremely personal experience, she used her suffering to power something bigger from this uneasy situation. Her ability to create art from her pain allowed her to provide a different perspective that many will be able to identify with. Her songs speak to listeners who have felt similar things because of the vulnerability and connection of her lyrics.

Taylor flourishes in her songwriting by transmuting the pain of love and heartbreak. She uses loud drum parts and foggy acoustics to her advantage, overlaying her gentle tones over strong, sincere lines. Selected from her next album, Taylor reveals her artistry in its purest and most concise form as she approaches a critical turning point in her career.

Continue reading below to find out more about Logan Taylor, her musical influences, the importance of honest songwriting and what upcoming projects she has in the works.

LUNA: Thank you for sitting down and talking to Luna. What inspires your sound and style?

LOGAN: That’s a tough question! I take pieces from all the artists I love. A lot of my favorites are from the 60s and 70s, but not exclusively. 

LUNA: What kind of atmosphere do you aim to create for your listeners?

LOGAN: I aim to create a space that’s real and honest. I want my music to be cathartic to anyone who has felt something similar – regardless of what that emotion is. 

LUNA: What is the inspiration behind your latest single “Some Other Woman?”

LOGAN: I wrote “Some Other Woman” after I’d just gotten off the phone with someone I was no longer with. We were still friends, but I hadn’t let the relationship go. After we got off the phone I tossed my phone on the bed and immediately laid down and wrote this song. 

LUNA: What was your favorite part about creating the song?

LOGAN: Recording this version of the song was a really great experience. I knew how I wanted it to sound when I wrote it back in 2017. I demoed it a year later, but I had to heavily rely upon synthesizers because I didn’t have a full band. Gradually building the track as we added each instrument and synth was my favorite part of the process.  

LUNA: Do you have any plans for visuals for “Some Other Woman?”

LOGAN: Not currently. 

LUNA: “Some Other Woman” and your debut single “White Wolf” are the first taste of your forthcoming project. Can you give us any hints about what to expect from the rest of the project?

LOGAN: I try out a lot of different things on this album, so don’t assume it’ll all sound like my first few singles. That being said, “Some Other Woman” is a great intro to the rest of the songs thematically.

LUNA: Which artists would you say are your biggest inspirations and why?

LOGAN: My biggest inspirations are Stevie Nicks and Joni Mitchell. I love Stevie’s distinctive voice and how she can convey so much through a song. She’s definitely influenced my writing and vocal style. Joni has influenced me a lot as a songwriter. It can be hard to let yourself be vulnerable, even in music. Her ability to be so honest has inspired me to do the same. 

LUNA: What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are hoping to follow in your footsteps?

LOGAN: Stay persistent. I wrote these songs several years ago. It’s taken me this long to be able to record them and get them out into the world. If you have a project that lights something up in you, that you can’t let go of, keep going.

LUNA: Anything else you would like to share with Luna?

LOGAN: I’m really happy with how the year has gone so far! Both “White Wolf” and “Some Other Woman” have done really well on Spotify and radio. I’ve also started to play more shows, which has been a lot of fun. I hope to gain more momentum as I put out my next few singles and announce the release of my album later this year.

Connect with logan taylor




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