Q&A: Lutalo Observes the Opportunists on “Ocean Swallows Him Whole”


☆ BY janet hernandez


HOW DO WE CHOOSE TO ENGAGE WITH THE WORLD AROUND US? It’s one of the questions at the core of The Academy, the upcoming debut album from postmodern indie rock artist Lutalo coming this fall via Winspear. Along with the album announcement, they have released the lead single and moody music video for “Ocean Swallows Him Whole.”

As Lutalo shares, people often build “preconceived intentions” around specific people and places. The track is a poignant observation on opportunism and the seemingly endless chase for something more. Directed by Richard Smith, the accompanying music video uplifts the rock and post-punk track with vivid motifs. Lutalo is seen peering through the blinds, watching from a distance as the environment around them shifts from the woods to the city.

The Academy follows Lutalo’s two EP’s, Once Now, Then Again and AGAIN, and the collaborative single “Running” released with Claud earlier this year. They are set to perform at UK festivals this summer and kick off a tour with Nilüfer Yanyain North America this fall. Luna caught up with Lutalo to talk about the inspiration behind the album, creating the “Ocean Swallows Him Whole” music video and more.

LUNA: I would love to hear anything you would like to share about the creation of "Ocean Swallows Him Whole.”

LUTALO: I made that song in my home in the woods. I felt like making something kind of moody and gritty. I had been talking to some of my girl-friends about dating in the city, the difficulties and how it made them feel. A lot of manipulation and value comparison. That can be seen in relationships or simply how places are used to build someone’s identity often to build one’s ego. I just built a world around that perspective.

LUNA: The music video for "Ocean Swallows Him Whole" really captures the tension between familiarity or “home” versus searching for something more. Where was the video shot and what was your vision?

LUTALO: It was shot in Vermont with Richard Smith. I told him that I was looking for something that captures the feeling and theme of the song without having a direct visual translation. I let him build the rest out. I feel he matched the feeling well, I have a lot of respect for creatives that can think for themselves and strive to push their boundaries.

LUNA: How would you describe your music to a new fan?

LUTALO: I’d say it’s a fish crawling out of the water and learning to breathe.

LUNA: The Academy is loosely tied to the school you attended. How does your relationship to the school and/or your experience there relate to this album?

LUTALO: I think it comes down to that it’s where I first started to create my understanding of life. It’s more about observing how others lived and operated and how I chose to operate within that world.

LUNA: You’re based in Vermont. Do you find that your physical location impacts the music you make? Did it play a role in the creation of this record?

LUTALO: Yes and no. In my opinion it mostly comes down to how you perceive the space around you. What you choose to focus on.

LUNA: Your music has touched upon everything from social issues to social media. What was on your mind while writing this album?

LUTALO: Everything that is this expansive experience. Just doing my job and logging my perspective. Hope others consider their place in it all as well.

LUNA: What has making The Academy taught you about yourself and your art?

LUTALO: It’s all cycles, patterns stacked upon each other. It’ll make more sense with more context.

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