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HOUSE INFUSED PRODUCTION WITH SOULFUL VOCALS - DRAMA combines the best of both worlds to create music for your soul and body. Artists  Na’el Shehade and Via Rosa come together to bring a variety of elements to their sound, creating the unique voice of DRAMA. Their full length debut album Dance Without Me touches on romantic tragedy and self acceptance, highlighting the depth of their music. Read below to learn more about their influences, their evolution of sound and more.

LUNA: I love that your music brings in so many different elements to create your unique sound. What are some ways you’ve seen your sound evolve with the upcoming album? 

SHEHADE: When making Dance without me we wanted to give the listener ultimate DRAMA experience. We got a lot deeper lyrically and musically this time around. This album is all of your favorite records of ours in one album. 

LUNA: Sonically, what are some areas that you’d like to explore more with your music? 

SHEHADE: Our goal is to always go BIGGER! On some of the records on the album we used a string-ensemble, next time around we will probably use an orchestra! We are always pushing ourselves to do more. 


LUNA: Can you share a favorite memory from the creative process for Dance Without Me?

LUNA: Na’el cutting the live strings was for sure a highlight. So was hearing the final track list. But my favorite memory probably was when Na’el finished the arrangement for YEARS! I was so happy when it came together ‘cause it was all over the place beforehand! We both knew it was a big record and that he just needed the time to really sit with it and put all the pieces in order. 

LUNA: What are some main themes or common narratives in this album? 

ROSA: I’d say self-realization is a common narrative. The main theme through out are breakup and unconditional love jams. 

SHEHADE: Love, happiness, sadness, and guilt. 


LUNA: Were there any stand out influences, both musical and non musical, that shaped the outcome of Dance Without Me

ROSA: I really love the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. It really inspired this whole feeling in me of “Omg! I’ve never been to a wedding as an adult! If I went, who would I even dance with?” 

SHEHADE: What influenced me was being on the tour. Meeting the fans and getting a feel for what they liked about our music. 

LUNA: Are there any plans on the table to tap into the visual side of this project?

ROSA & SHEHADE: We released a music video for “Years” in January. We’re working on another one but there’s no release date set. 

LUNA: What do you want people to take away from this album? 

ROSA & SHEHADE: Confidence in themselves, their decisions and feelings 

LUNA: If you could offer any piece of advice to those still trying to figure out their sound and flow as an artist, what would you share? 

ROSA: BE YOURSELF. It’s cliche, yes, but it’s honestly the only way. You have to combine all the reasons you love music and then really just let it all out. Expose yourself! That’s when the magic happens.

SHEHADE: Good music always shines. Keep pushing no matter how long it takes. There's no time limit on reaching your goals. 

LUNA: Y’all are starting 2020 with a bang! What do you want the rest of the year to bring you?

ROSA & SHEHADE: Blessings, Blessings and more Blessings! We’re just going to keep working hard and making wise decisions. Being attached to outcomes and expectations just leave you drained and discouraged.




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Now Listening: This Week's Tracks


Q&A: Dana Williams