Chloe Lilac's 'Douchebag' + Interview

☆ By Isabella Vega

Photo By Bobby Banks

Photo By Bobby Banks


CHLOE LILAC IS BRINGING BACK THE FEMALE ENERGY WE NEED INTO ALT-ROCK. Her sophomore EP, Douchebag highlights her charming lyrics and personality over the course of 7 tracks. Brooklyn artist Chloe Lilac has been making waves over the past 2 years with her signature indie-pop sound mixed with 90s grunge undertones. After releasing her debut Manic Pixie Dream last year, Lilac has just released her sophomore EP, DOUCHEBAG. The EP serves as a deliciously sarcastic album on the men who have wronged her, featuring everything from the upbeat “HERE’S YOUR SONG” and fan-favorite rock anthem “MODERATION”. The Brookyn based artist has secured her place in the alt-pop scene thanks to the true growth and power DOUCHEBAG radiates

Opening with the firey and confident track “OBVIOUS”, the listener quickly learns the rhythm and rhyme of Lilac’s flow, making it impossible to not dive into the EP. Title track “DOUCHEBAG” perfectly encapsulates the energy of the EP while “MODERATION” and “JANSPORT” showcases an edgy yet endearing side of the project. It’s clear Lilac pours her heart out throughout the EP, and thanks to sweet tracks like “WHO IS EMILY and "HERE’S YOUR SONG” the listener gets to truly feel something as well.

The EP goes beyond just the surface level of cheeky jabs with tracks like “HERE’S YOUR SONG”, a more laid back emotive track, and the heart-wrenching “MISS YOU”, a collaboration with Koda The Friend.

Dive into the EP yourself and get lost into the charming world of Chloe Lilac. We got a chance to catch up with the rising artist and talk all things DOUCHEBAG and more - read below to learn more about song making in confinement, the evolution of her sound and the creative process behind the EP.

LUNA: First things first, how are you doing lately? How has quarantine been treating you? 

LILAC: Quarantine has been intense for sure. At first the pandemic hit New York really hard, which was tough. This city is who I am, and seeing the lack of support from the rest of the country and so many families suffer was truly heartbreaking. Then, the murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd happened. In both of these awful circumstances, as New Yorkers do, we pulled together and kept it pushing. I miss being able to tour, meet fans, go to the studio. Other than that, it’s been good! I think being stuck with my thoughts has allowed me to work through a lot of topics I was afraid to process before. I’ve also gotten way closer to my parents and myself. I’ve made some sick art and have been learning a lot of new things. I got really into creative writing, painting, collage, knitting, sewing, making and editing videos, and am learning how to skateboard. My next mission is to try to learn ceramics!

LUNA: Describe your headspace in 4 words.

LILAC: Grateful, Creative, Sad, Hopeful.

LUNA: You have a very defined personal aesthetic about you. Who/What are your personal style inspirations lately?

LILAC: I would say a big influence has always been Kurt Cobain. His style was incredible. I’d also say Tyler, The Creator and Ed Hardy. But I’d say my biggest style inspiration is myself. I wear what I want to wear. Lately, that’s been baggy jeans and a baggy t-shirt with some converse, but sometimes it’s a dress, or shorts and a crop top. It changes day to day! 

LUNA: Since Manic Pixie Dream, how do you feel like your “personal sound” has changed or evolved into something new? 

LILAC: I think I’ve really found my voice since Manic Pixie Dream. Now that I’m older and know who I am more, I can actually speak on my experiences in a way that feels genuine and authentic.

 LUNA: Can you take us through your songwriting process? Has quarantine impacted that process?

LILAC: Quarantine has definitely impacted my songwriting process. It’s been really hard for me to write lately, since I feel uninspired being inside all the time. To collaborate now, it’s all about zoom sessions. Basically, you get on zoom with a writer and a producer. There’s an app called Audio Movers, which allows everyone to hear what the producer is doing in real time (video chat has like a 2 second delay). Then usually you and the writer send voice memos back and forth. It’s definitely not ideal, I miss the in-person stuff. But, I’ve definitely had great zoom sessions too! 

LUNA: Which is the most personal song on the record?

LILAC: I’d say the most personal song is either “JANSPORT” or “MODERATION. “MODERATION is all about how people only like me in small doses. “JANSPORT is about me settling, and always feeling like a second choice, which has consistently been a big insecurity of mine. 


LUNA: Can you share a favorite memory from recording this EP? 

LILAC: Picking a favorite memory is hard considering I’ve worked with my favorite people on this EP. However, I think my favorite moment was when Martin Wave, Grace Fulmer and I were writing DOUCHEBAG. I had been venting about this asshole guy that was stringing me along, and Grace said jokingly, “I know it’s fun to be a douchebag”. Me and Martin just looked at each other and were like “That’s it!” It was so funny! 

LUNA: I know it may be different than the usual process and production, but do you have any plans to bring the visual side to life for this project?

LILAC: ABSOLUTELY! I made a music video and treatment for “DOUCHEBAG”. I recorded it in my garage in front of a green screen. It took me a day to make! It was so much fun making it, the premise of the video is making fun of douchebags.

LUNA: Why is it important for you to use your platform to speak on current political/social issues? 

LILAC: I think anyone who has a platform needs to use it to raise awareness about important topics. Not to decide is to decide. I think using my platform has allowed me to not only educate myself, but spread awareness to others. I love my fans, and I think a big part of love is accountability. If you’re not holding your loved ones accountable, I think that’s how a lot of problems start. Speaking out on topics I believe in has not only allowed me to grow closer with my fanbase because it’s allowed me to educate them/be educated by them, which is a huge privilege that I’m incredibly grateful for. The Lemon Gang fandom is all about learning and supporting each other. 

LUNA: So much is up in the air but you’ve been able to still move forward and put this EP out - good for you! What do you hope the rest of 2020 brings you?

LILAC: Thank you!!! I hope the rest of 2020 brings me more fans, happiness, laughter and great music and art. Also new friends :)






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