Q&A: Anna Sofia 'Broken Perfection'

☆ By Joy Saha


HEARTBREAK MIXED IN WITH A SIDE OF SARCASM AND A COLORFUL AMALGAMATION OF HAIR WIGS - this is the overall vibe of Anna Sofia’s latest dream-pop EP Broken Perfection. Featuring the endearing track, “Happy For You”, the latest single explores both the aftermath of a recent heartbreak and the subsequent liberation that comes with getting over a fleeting crush. It’s also the perfect quarantine bop that is making a time of isolation and loneliness feel much less alienating. Watch her latest music video “Don’t Play Pretend” below and read on to learn more about Anna Sofia’s personal inspirations behind the tune, her musical narratives and the goals she’s currently manifesting for 2020 and forward. 

LUNA: How’s quarantine been treating you so far? 

SOFIA: Well to be honest it really sucked at the beginning. I went from being super busy to not leaving my bed. Later I got used to it and started to figure out ways to keep myself busy during quarantine and honestly learned so many new things about myself! I learned that I LOVE painting (even though I suck at it), and I kinda enjoy reading (I hated reading before). Quarantine also gave me a chance to really focus on my music. I got a huge break from school which gave me so much more time to write new music and learn new instruments. The best thing about quarantine was spending time with my parents though. My family and I are super busy and don’t get much time to sit back and chill together so I’m really happy I got the chance to spend this much time with them. 

LUNA: How are you channeling your creativity and keeping that spirit going during this time?

SOFIA: At the beginning it was really hard to be creative. I was struggling with everything just because all my creative resources had been cut off. I realized I don’t need to panic, I just need to find alternatives. I started to jot down little notes on how I’m feeling each day, I recorded any vocal melodies and instrumental chord progressions and eventually used all of my notes and recordings in zoom writing sessions. I eventually built my own mini studio in my room since I knew the studio was off limits for a while. I can't explain how many times I cried because I couldn’t figure out how to use anything!!! I eventually got the hang of it and now it’s lots of fun. 

LUNA: Your single, “Happy For You,” is such a fun and spunky tune! Can you share a bit about the creative process behind the track?

SOFIA: Well the song is about this boy I liked a little while ago. I went on a trip, and in the middle of my month long trip I found out he got a girlfriend. Long story short I was heartbroken. I really tried to capture the sarcasm in it all. Lyrically I went with the concept of me genuinely being happy for this guy for getting himself a girlfriend. But to add that sarcastic feeling to the song to show that I'm totally lying, I went with a more aggressive approach sonically. 


LUNA: There are also so many colorful and fun wigs featured in the lyric video - so fun! Tell us a bit about the last scene in the video with the burning and lone orange wig.

SOFIA: The wigs are to show the different stages of change I went through to make this guy like me. When I burnt the wig, I basically gave up on trying to get this guy’s attention and moved on. I think this is a really good life lesson for everyone! Don’t try and change for someone to like you in any way. It’s not worth it at all. Surround yourself with people who accept you for you!!!!

LUNA: What role do you tend to play with the visual side of your work? 

SOFIA: I take my visuals VERY seriously!!! I’ve got a great team around me and kinda try to get my fingers in as much of it as possible. Since I’m very invested in my visuals, I tend to somehow be involved in every aspect I can. I love it though, it’s my chance to visually represent my creative vision for my music and it's a BIG DEAL to me so I try to make the best it can be. I definitely tend to go a bit overboard with ideas though... 


LUNA: Congrats on your latest EP Broken Perfection! Were there any common themes or narratives that shaped the project? 

SOFIA: The main theme behind the new EP is that nobody is perfect. I have always been very insecure in my body and always found myself trying to achieve perfection. I tried so hard to achieve something that doesn’t even exist! Nothing in the UNIVERSE is perfect so why are we even trying?! One thing that I think is important is to understand what’s real and what’s not. Everyday we see people on the internet that we aspire to be like. It’s super important to remember that what you see on social media is not always real. Now this is easier said than done, but find some self love! Cut the toxicity out of your life where you can, learn to be okay with who you are, and find people who love you for who you are! 

LUNA: What’s been inspiring you lately? 

SOFIA: Since I’ve started reading, I have really felt inspired by biographies on some of my favourite artists! I’m currently reading “Moonwalk” which is all about the life of Michael Jackson. It has given me so much amazing advice going into this industry and has really inspired me to keep working my hardest on everything because one day it will pay off. 

LUNA: What are some goals, musical or not, that you want to speak into existence for this year?

SOFIA: Musically, I’m DYING to perform! I miss being on stage so hopefully I can be back up there very soon. I am also dying to travel the world to write some more music. Over quarantine, I’ve worked with so many people from different places around the world through Zoom so I’m really hoping I get the opportunity to work with them again in person. My last musical goal is to get some more music out. I love the feeling of sharing new music with the world so I’m planning to get more out soon! 

Now my one goal not music related is to learn how to ride a bike. I know I sound mega stupid right now but I literally have never been so scared of something in my life. I’ve heard it’s very easy but I'm not good with my feet not touching the ground. I also danced the majority of my life so if I got hurt I wouldn’t be able to dance which would suuuuck. 






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