SPOTLIGHT: Mom Jeans Keeps Growth and Ear Candy in the Driver's Seat with Newest Album ‘Sweet Tooth’



Photos By Kelly Mason


THE AMOUNT OF WORK THAT GOES INTO MAKING AN ALBUM IS UNPARALLELED. The pressure and stress can crack anyone who becomes overwhelmed with the responsibility of making every song a hit while keeping musical diversity alive. As tiring as the process is, if successful, the track will be played on repeat, thrown on playlists and mixtapes, and blow your mind when played live. Mom Jeans does exactly that with their newest album, Sweet Tooth. As their third album, Sweet Tooth is the most diverse yet, with new tasty licks, vocal melodies and different recording styles and songwriting from all the band members. 

Eric Butler, singer and guitarist of Mom Jeans, sheds light on what the new album is about, “We tried to make all the songs sound as different from each other as possible,” he explains. “This album is meant to feel like a playlist or like burning a CD.”

Paving new horizons, Mom Jeans is becoming very in tune with their creativity. “We all wanted to feel represented and enough of ourselves, having the time and self-awareness,” Butler adds. “I had such a clear picture on how the songs were going [that] it was easy and natural.”

One of the many things that stands out with the album’s recording process as opposed to previous releases is that Mom Jeans took their time with every aspect. “Having the time to treat vocals like its own instrument and not like the last thing that needed to get done was really cool,” Butler says. Butler adds that this process ensured that each song was “ear candy,” which helped the band decide on the album’s name, Sweet Tooth

“I am not going into this album cycle as this is the last Mom Jeans record,” Butler explains. “If the universe doesn’t want us to be a band after this, I am fine with that. I hope this is our legacy as a band. Hopefully, people can see our growth; it represents so much for us. If people fuck with it, that would be awesome for that desire of nostalgia — like the things you like, and that desire to be free to be yourself.”

Sweet Tooth exemplifies the widening musicality that Mom Jeans wants to show us, and with the new feel from a constantly rising band, this is only going to propel them further in the music scene. Throughout their rise to fame, this is the album that is hands down the most defining project for all the band members. Everyone had a special part in making a fully-fledged album, and that is what separates Sweeth Tooth from the rest of the band’s releases.

Mom Jeans will release Sweet Tooth on Feb. 25, and this is an album no one should be sleeping on; this is the most groundbreaking material they will have put out to date. Mom Jeans will also be on tour supporting Joyce Manor and promoting their new album this spring. Catch Mom Jeans on tour if you want to hear some ear candy from the wonderful and constantly evolving and growing band that is Mom Jeans.





Gallery: Oliver Tree in Los Angeles


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