Féminin Rör Aims To Highlight Women In the Music and Technology Industry


☆ BY Lannan Ruiz ☆


IN AN INDUSTRY DOMINATED BY MEN — Feminin Ror is a new safe haven for women in the music and technology industry. A publication brought about with the intention of giving recognition to women in these fields, their founder Miami Golde also intends to help move the next female leaders closer to their industry goals. 

Golde’s goal is to help train and build the next leaders in the music, technology, and publication fields with her internship and networking at Feminin Ror. She also hopes to write about and give recognition to women already in such fields. “Women are the future of this industry, and by giving recognition and education opportunities to individuals, it actively changes the future,” Golde said. 

Noting how many publications are founded and run by cisgender white men, Golde felt it didn’t make any sense to let things continue this way — she had to be part of the solution.

Feminin Ror is fully built and operated by women. It’s a safe space where its team members are open to different ideas and ways of approaching things. Currently with a team of 11 paid interns, Golde hopes to expand a lot more in the near future, giving more opportunities to those who wish to be involved. 

Recently working with engineers and songwriters to talk about their process and jobs, interviews with these prominent figures have gone live on their website, alongside inspirational and thought-provoking articles. Golde also wants to hone in on bringing female producers into the news and onto their page as the publication continues to take shape.

Feminin Ror not only highlights great female musicians and tech experts, but also holds monthly events with groups like GrammyU, a college program aimed at establishing the foundations for the next generation to excel. Hoping to continue their work with GrammyU — one of Golde’s former internship workspaces — the group is hoping to deepen connections and provide more educational experiences throughout the year. 

As a first-generation American, Golde feels the responsibility to use her talents to help others achieve their goals and dreams. “If I’m able to make sure that another person also gets to achieve their dream, that makes me completely happy,” Golde said. “To see the industry change and watch people I helped achieve their goals would be a dream come true.”

With an impressive and extensive resume behind her, Golde understands the importance of internships and learning while doing. Later this year, she is hoping to begin a mentorship program to help educate and connect her team to others in the industry. Golde also made it poignant that her team will be paid by her, motivated by previous positions she was unpaid for. 

“I want you to be a leader when you leave here,” Golde said, “so if you were inspired, go build your own magazine and when you have your own team — make sure that it’s you building the next leader.

“Feminin Ror is a place to lift one another up,” Golde emphasized.

If it weren't for her internship at GrammyU to teach her what she knows and inspire her to pursue her goals, Feminin Ror would cease to have the connections it does. “I just feel like lifting each other up is what’s gonna open up a network of opportunities,” Golde said. “Because if it wasn’t for GrammyU and my work with them and their willingness to work with me, I [wouldn’t] have been able to create Feminin Ror the way I did.”

The publication encourages women anywhere in the music and technology industry to reach out through either DM’s or their website. As a supportive community, the group is constantly looking and reaching out for people to speak with and coordinate efforts for events and other pieces.

“This is the beginning, you know — slow and steady,” Golde said. “But watch out for Feminin Ror, because we are the future.”





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