Q&A: Gatlin Talks “Whenever He Asks,” Upcoming EP, Inspirations & More



Photos By Gabe Drechsler & Luke Rogers

Photos By Gabe Drechsler & Luke Rogers


VULNERABLE AND VERSATILE — Gatlin is an artist that sings melodies with meaning through various sonic forms. Her storytelling is raw as she explores concepts of unhappiness and loneliness from insubstantial relationships and experiences. Sonically, Gatlin’s music is intermixed with modern pop instrumentals that combine with alternative and ’70s pop/rock influences. 

In her recent release, “Whenever He Asks,” we hear Gatlin reflect on a past relationship that would continuously leave her feeling empty. The self-awareness of the song’s lyrics is blended harmoniously with the alt-pop rhythm that pushes an overarching anthem of self-love. Gailin’s lyricism in her upcoming EP To Remind Me Of Home is profound, as the lyrics project images of nostalgic reminiscing and natural reflection. 

In our recent interview with Gatlin, we got details of her childhood influences, current inspirations, and ambitious aspirations. She also discusses prevailing themes present in her upcoming sophomore EP To Remind Me Of Home, due out June 25. Check out the interview down below to get to know more about Gatlin and her upcoming music releases! 

LUNA: Congrats on your latest release “Whenever He Asks”! What inspired your new song? The song seems to be inspired by a personal relationship. 

GATLIN: It’s definitely very personal to me! It was about this experience in a relationship where everything was on their terms, and I wanted to love so bad I let it all happen. 

LUNA: “Whenever He Asks” has alternative pop influences. Is this the direction you hope for your music to continue? Are there any sounds you want to experiment with? 

GATLIN: This was the most exciting track to make and had the most interesting journey. I was listening to ABBA like crazy when the track started coming to life. I think I really love their pop melodies; and then I was also influenced by ’80s synth sounds. 

LUNA: What inspired or influenced you to pursue making music?

GATLIN: I’ve always wanted to perform; I think that’s what introduced me to all different kinds of creative outlets — wanting to be on stage. Music was all around the house, and I was always singing as a kid. My parents at some point started encouraging me to write and play guitar. Seemed like a no-brainer after that. 

LUNA: What messages are the most prevalent throughout your music? Are there any consistent lyrical themes that will be found in your upcoming EP To Remind Me Of Home

GATLIN: I think in all the tracks I was writing from a headspace of seeing my flaws very clearly. It’s maybe that part in a coming-of-age movie where the kid knows he’s messed up, but doesn’t quite know how to fix it yet (laughs)


LUNA: Regarding your creative process, do you first focus on the lyrics or the sound? 

GATLIN: It’s different every time I write. Typically, if I’m writing by myself, I like focusing on the lyrics first. Lots of times I will have poems or thoughts that I’ll then put to melody. Then when I’m co-writing, I like starting with a track and making the sounds and melodies. 

LUNA: A fun one — If you could compare yourself to an animal, what would it be and why? 

GATLIN: I had to think about this one for a while (laughs). I’d say maybe a dolphin? They’re my favorite animal so maybe that’s why. Swims in packs, super energetic, but also a little bit annoying. 

LUNA: What would you say are your next main steps in regards to music? What do you hope to do in the year 2021? 

GATLIN: I was asked this back in 2019 and I said I wanted to play as many shows as possible and never stop. So fingers crossed that I don’t jinx it by saying that’s probably my goal for part of 2021 — whenever it’s safe and possible.





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