Q&A: Pheeyownah


HAUNTING YET DREAMY - Pheeyownah's debut album is a mixture of spooky beats and dreamy vocals. The artist is one step closer to living out her dream of selling out shows as her music rises to the surface in the music industry.

Pheeyownah's diversity, perseverance, and talent tells a story like none other and makes for a heavy beat, industrial album, 'SILVER'. Read on to learn more about the Pheeyownah's background, favorite tracks and more.

LUNA: Just to get a little more background about yourself, when did you know you wanted to pursue music as a career rather than a hobby?  

PHEEYOWNAH: Honestly, I've always known that I wanted to pursue music as a career rather than a hobby, mainly because it’s always meant too much to me to just have as a side hobby. Growing up i always dreamt about performing in huge arenas and winning awards and practiced giving thank you speeches in front of the mirror pretty much on a daily basis. I belong to the generation that grew up with MTV (back in the day when it was all about music) and watching music videos was one of my favorite things to do. It motivated me, even more, to pursue my longtime dream to become an artist.  

LUNA: Since ‘SILVER’ is your debut full-length album, I imagine the process wasn’t so simple (never is with the first release!). Can you tell us a little bit about the creative process was like for this album?  

PHEEYOWNAH: Almost all of my songs were previously poems that I’ve written over a period of 10 years that i later transformed into songs. I had a collection of poems that I knew I wanted to develop and that’s how “SILVER” was born.   

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LUNA: How do feel about ‘SILVER’ when compared to your ‘zero9zero9’ EP?

PHEEYOWNAH: I think of “SILVER” and “zero9zero9” as two very different projects. It’s like comparing two of your children, they have their own heart and soul!  But to name a few characteristics, I think of “zero9zero9” more as abstract art and “SILVER”, drafts from a personal journal.  

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LUNA: Did you find yourself having a common theme when writing for this album? 

PHEEYOWNAH: I did! The collection of poems that are the foundation of the album have a few things in common. First of all, they’re written in a more honest and heartfelt way without being embedded with poetry. The main attributes of the album are different nuances of insecurity, lust, love, empowerment and vulnerability.  

LUNA: What’s your favorite song off of the album? Why?  

PHEEYOWNAH: "Gold"! I'm so happy I managed to write a love song that paints such a vivid picture of two people madly in love without making it sound cheesy. I'm honestly still in awe that I wrote it, I'm absolutely in love with the lyrics.

LUNA: How has your background in dance influenced/impacted your music?  

PHEEYOWNAH: At times, my background in dance tends to draw my musical expression towards dance music or sounds that are more pulsating and upbeat. It sort of becomes a trap that is easy to fall in to. My desire is always to continue to evolve as an artist and create freely without hindrance or a predefined template.  

LUNA: What do you want your listeners to take away from your music? 

PHEEYOWNAH: Hard one. My biggest wish is just for my listeners to feel something, whatever that may be. Touching someone through music is the gift I have received countless times by many artists and I’ll die a happy woman if I could do the same.






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