Q&A: Myylo


SELF EXPRESSION HAS NEVER FELT SO GOOD - and it's artists like Myylo that give their audience the confidence to be, well, themselves. The rising Pop act combines the light hearted aspects of Pop with deeper and more reflective lyrics to create his thoughtful sound. Myylo's latest track "Skinny Boys" serves as an anthem for boys who don't always get the self love and confidence they deserve from the media. Myylo uses his music to express his thoughts and create a positive space for others. Get to know Myylo and hear more about "Skinny Boys" below!


LUNA: For those that don't know you, can you introduce yourself? 

 MYYLO: Hey fam, I’m Myylo - I grew up in LA, my first car was my a hand-me-down soccer-mom minivan, my childhood obsession was Avatar the Last Airbender, and I speak Mandarin at a pre-school grade level.

LUNA: You combine a lot of elements, like folk lyricism and more pop-based production into your music, so what does your creative process usually look like to enable these combinations?


MYYLO: I think those elements have synthesized over time. I spent a lot of time in Nashville writing country music which got folk storytelling into my soul. Over time, I began exploring pop writing and those elements of production and song craft. Having lived in those two worlds led me to combine these disparate ideas. Its a process that hasn’t happened during the writing process of a specific song but over years of developing my style.

LUNA: You’re vocal about your sexuality and use your platform to spread positive messages. Do you think those with a platform are obligated to speak up about what they’re passionate about? 

MYYLO: Ooooof, that’s a big question. I don’t think every public figure needs to speak out. There are people who are apolitical and create space for respite from the issues of our day. The world is big enough for figureheads of escapism. But, for me personally, it is important to speak out. I’ve co-founded a group in Nashville called RNBW that brings LGBTQ artists to the forefront of live entertainment, I’ve forced a bunch of friends to register to vote for the 2018 midterms, and I generally try to remind people that what’s going on in America right now (i.e. separating kids from their parents) is amoral. Speaking out and being involved feels honest to who I am and that’s why it comes through on my social media and in my music.


LUNA: Your new single “Skinny Boys” is a body positivity song - why was this important for you to write and release it?

MYYLO: A lot of men have body issues. From GI Joe figurines to Thor movies, we’ve been fed this idea of the archetypical attractive male. When your body doesn’t look like that, you can get down on yourself. I feel that self-consciousness multiplied by 10 every time I scroll through my Insta discovery feed and see perfectly sculpted dudes. Capturing that experience in song has helped me wave goodbye to those feelings and own the fuq out of my body instead. I hope “Skinny Boys” can create a space for boys to own their bodies - skinny, chunky, or otherwise.

LUNA: Since “Skinny Boys” taps a bit into the more toxic and unrealistic side to Instagram, what has been your relationship with social media? Any advice to those struggling to not be defined by it all?

MYYLO: It's been a mixed bag. Social media has been a really profound way for me to connect with my listeners. Getting to talk to them helps me stay inspired to keep making music. Obviously, Skinny Boys was partially inspired by this toxic relationship with the gram. What’s really helped me navigate the internet is filling my feed with artists, journalists, comics, and things of that nature. That makes me feel like I’m a part of something bigger and opens up my mind to new ideas.

LUNA: What do you want people to take away from your music?

MYYLO: It varies for every song tbh! For Skinny Boys, I want people to have a bop that helps them love their perfect bods.

LUNA: Who is your dream collab? 

 MYYLO: Kim Petras, Charli XCX, Lizzo, or Jessie Reyez for sureeeee.

LUNA: Lastly - take it how it you like - what’s next for you? 

MYYLO: Bops till I drop.








Spotlight: Sobs