Q&A: Hannah Hausman Confronts Heartbreak With “whole foods parking lot”

☆ By Frankie Tameron


NOW THAT HE’S NOT AROUND — Hannah Hausman has learned to love herself. Hausman’s new single, “whole foods parking lot,” was never intended to be released. However, when she saw how many people connected with an impulse TikTok post, she knew she had to share it with the world — and we’re very glad she did. 

The new single captures one of the most gut-wrenching feelings of navigating life as a human: running into your ex in the grocery store parking lot. Relatable, catchy, and (a very well done) DIY, the music video to accompany the song is a two and half minute documentation of processing one’s emotions. The video illustrates a spiral of feelings, jumping between the present moment in her bedroom and old memories that she shouldn’t care about, although she does. The last scene of the video shows Hausman burning an old photo, standing in her power and using the Whole Foods parking lot moment as a catalyst to move on. 

Read below our chat with Hannah about “whole foods parking lot” and some things she loves.

LUNA: How is this spring season treating you so far?

HAUSMAN: It’s been a good spring so far! This is my second spring living in California, and I forgot how beautiful all of the blooming flowers are around this time; it’s so pretty here right now! 

LUNA: Congrats on your latest single “whole foods parking lot”! Love the name — we gotta ask: what’s your favorite item from Whole Foods?

HAUSMAN: Thanks so much! I mainly go to Whole Foods because I love the hot bar there. This is going to sound so LA of me, but right now I’m really into their buffalo cauliflower. (laughs)

LUNA: The track has a really emotive flow and feel, centering around the story of running into an ex. Why is it important for you to get vulnerable in your music?

HAUSMAN: There’s something so special about vulnerability in music. I’ve definitely written a lot of songs where I’ve made stories up or written from other people’s perspectives, but of course, those songs serve their own purpose. Something magical happens when you create genuinely and honestly, in response to something that actually happened in your life. This year I’ve been challenging myself to get more specific and real in my songwriting. “whole foods parking lot” was my first attempt at this in-depth, and it was such a very freeing experience. 


LUNA: The video for the track really captures the feel of the song and has a gorgeous aesthetic to it, as well. Can you share a favorite moment/memory from the making of the video?

HAUSMAN: Making the entire video was so fun! We filmed it all in one day and most of it was shot in my room, kitchen, and on the streets around my house in Silver Lake. We filmed the elevator scene in the parking garage of The Americana, which is an outdoor shopping area in Glendale, CA. It was so funny because the scene took us a really long time to film — everytime the elevator would close it would take Tanner (the guy who played my ex) to a random floor and then random people would be in there with him whenever he came back up. 

LUNA: How would you compare the feel or theme of upcoming music with “whole foods parking lot”?

HAUSMAN: Most of my upcoming songs are written about the same person I wrote “whole foods parking lot” about, so they’re definitely all going to be connected! My taste in music production changes frequently, so I normally write songs to chords or beats and then have them produced out closer to when I’m going to release them. I’ve written a ton of songs over the past two years that haven’t made it past my voice memos yet, and right now I’m in the process of editing them all and deciding how I want them to be fully produced. 

LUNA: You have a weekly playlist called “release radar is my bff” — who have you been listening to lately?

HAUSMAN: Yes! I love making playlists and searching for new artists! I started updating this playlist every week at the end of last year and it’s been so much fun! It’s always my favorite part of the week! I’ve been really into brakence for a while now and a lot of other artists that live in the same world as his music like underscores, glaive, and eden.

LUNA: You’re signed with Quadio Records, who we love! Can you talk a bit about what this relationship has been like for you?

HAUSMAN: I love them too! Working with Quadio has been so fun so far! We’ve released two songs together, and it’s been so nice to have a team backing up my projects. I’m naturally not a very detail-oriented person, so it’s really helpful to have people holding me accountable to my goals and deadlines! 

LUNA: What’s something you wish more people knew about you?

HAUSMAN: I guess a lot of people don’t know how much I love to exercise! I really love running, orangetheory, hot yoga, and swimming. My sister and I have both always really loved exercising, so working out every day always felt normal to me. We started going to a personal trainer and running all the time when we were really young, and we never stopped. I don’t really take any days off unless I’m really sick or injured, and even then I try to go for a long walk. A few years ago, I got an overuse injury in my hip and had to have surgery on it. During that time after surgery when I was on crutches, I needed something to do so I started learning to play guitar and then started turning all of my poems into songs from there!

LUNA: Now that “whole foods parking lot” is out, what can we expect from you in the upcoming months?

HAUSMAN: I’m working on some other singles that will hopefully lead into an EP later in the year!

LUNA: Anything else you'd like to add?

HAUSMAN: Just want to give a big shout out to anyone reading this right now! Thanks so much for supporting me and listening to my music, it means so much to me :) 





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