Q&A: Fever Dream Zine Offers A Colorful Community for Creatives


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BORN TO INCITE AND INSPIRE LIMITLESS CREATIVITY AND SELF-EXPRESSION — Fever Dream is a zine that showcases artistry in one of its most diverse, vulnerable, and authentic forms. Seeking to purposefully encompass and instill a powerful sense of community, Fever Dream continues to evolve in its own world, laced with vibrant colours and a dreamy aesthetic that encourages us as creators and, of course, individuals, to draw inspiration from the most intimate aspects of our lives. Fever Dream unapologetically shows us that art is limitless and indeed a compelling medium that can be used to provoke change beyond its virtual presence.

Read below to learn more about the creation of Fever Dream and their upcoming plans for the year ahead from Editor-in-Chief Angie Mitilian.


LUNA: What led you to create Fever Dream?

ANGIE: Funny story! I actually was going through my first breakup, so I was totally unmotivated and gloomy for months (this was also during the start of quarantine so it was even worse). In early May, I was aimlessly scrolling through my TikTok page and I saw a TikTok from All My Friends Zine! You can call it love at first sight ;) I immediately started to look for more magazines and ended up submitting to a few. I got into Soul Talk's first issue, and I remember feeling so happy and accomplished. When I got it in the mail, it made me realize that I can totally start something like this. I have been wanting to explore different art mediums and express myself in a different way, so I texted a few friends, and Fever Dream was born! 

LUNA: Why is it important for you to create a space for young creators? 

ANGIE: As a young creative myself, I wanted a place where people can express themselves without being held back. My main goal is to be an outlet for those that started out like me, trying to find a way to change the world through their art. 


LUNA: Can you share a favorite moment or memory from the making of your second issue “panorama”? 

ANGIE: OMG! There are so many, but I think my favorite is packing the issues. My team consists of 2 of my close friends so we usually make a day out of it! We kind of made it a tradition to come in themed outfits, so we dressed all "springy" this time. We also did a photoshoot with our issues and it was just such a fun experience. 

LUNA: How about your favorite spread from “panorama”? 

ANGIE: My favorite spread has to be the ones that have pictures that @goldrosecrown and @malbphotography have taken! They really tied the whole issue together to be honest. 

LUNA: I love the overall aesthetic y’all have — it really has a dreamy feel to it. What’s been inspiring you these days? 

ANGIE:  I usually find inspo from the world around me, whether that is a TikTok I happen to scroll upon or the type of flower I see driving home from school. AND COLORS! I am obsessed with finding new colors and swatches to experiment with. 

LUNA: What do you like most about the magazine/zine community? 

ANGIE: I LOVE how supportive everyone is. I made a handful of friends that run a magazine themselves and they inspire me to work my hardest! Shout out to Gaby, Ellia, and Sydney from Unapologetic, Mariposa, and Rice and Spice! I also adore the community of artists that support us. It makes me so happy when someone DMs us and tells us how much they love our zine or how they want to start one of their own. It is so encouraging when others are affected by what we are doing here at Fever Dream and that it is helping others start a community of their own!

LUNA: It’s been awesome to see so many new publications pop up the past year, so if you could pass on one piece of advice to someone wanting to start a zine what would you share?

ANGIE: If you are planning to start a zine of your own, the first thing you should do is establish a mission! Ask yourself, "What is my zine trying to communicate?" or "What community will young artists find here?” I think that is the most important thing to get down! And of course, the other components come along the way. I am going to be super honest with you, I did NOT know what I was doing when I started Fever Dream last year. I learned everything I know now along the way, which I think is the BEST way to grow :)

LUNA: Where do you hope to see Fever Dream in 5 years? 

ANGIE: I would love Fever Dream to plan more in-person events and expand to more of a collective. Meeting new people is my specialty and I have been out of the game too long — oops! Speaking of new people, expanding our team is also on our list. Having a team with artists around the world has been a dream of mine since we started!

LUNA: Now that “panorama” is out, what’s next for y’all?

ANGIE: We are currently working on opening submissions for Issue 3. This issue is most probably going to fall under our one year [anniversary] (June 26), so I can't wait to go all out!





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PHOTO DIARY: Audrey Gretz Creates Magical Worlds with Texture & Photography