Q&A: Creating With Chaos, Childe Releases “Better Friends” and Announces Debut Album ‘Stoned and Supremely Confident’


☆ BY Kaylie Minogue

Photo by Angela Ricciardi


WRITING THIS GENERATION’S INDIE-POP ANTHEMS — it seems that controlled chaos follows Childe wherever he goes. Whether it comes through in his eclectic fashion choices, speedy creative process, or run-ins with strangers during late-night taco outings, Childe has a bit of a dramatic flair in his presence as an artist that makes it easy to want to follow along on his journey.

His latest single, “Better Friends,” features melodic guitar licks intertwined with carefully placed percussive lines. On top of it all, his vocals seamlessly blend into the mellow indie feel of the song. The track highlights the importance of sticking by your friends, even if things get ugly. Over the past two years, Childe has gotten introspective and reflective on topics such as friendship, resilience, and facing the reality of your own dark wishes. He expertly entangles his lyrics with melodic guitar licks and tasteful bits of percussion throughout his tracks. 

“Better Friends” is just the first taste of Childe’s upcoming debut album, Stoned and Supremely Confident, being released this September. Written between LA and London, the album is a look into Childe’s difficult life experiences and the coping mechanisms that manifest from them.

Even when he’s singing about dark topics, such as on the single “Death Wish,” he offers a glimmer of hope for listeners — and himself — to cling to.

Luna got the chance to chat with Childe about creating the album, what he hopes for fans gain from it, and, of course, his immaculate fashion taste. Read the interview below.

LUNA: Congrats on the release of your latest single “Better Friends”! What was the process of creating this track? 

CHILDE: I wrote it in about 30 minutes- then spent 6 months agonizing over one guitar line. It’s a pretty standard chord rotation so I just focused on just telling the story. 

LUNA: In addition to “Better Friends,” you just announced that your debut album, Stoned and Supremely Confident, is coming out in September. What’s the story behind this record?

CHILDE: The album is a deep dive into how I was feeling over the last two years. When I started to write it I didn’t really think too much about what form it would take, but as it developed I realized it was me trying to define myself as an artist. I’m reflective and emotional, so that’s what the record is. 

LUNA: Do you have a favorite moment or memory that sticks out during the creation of the album? 

CHILDE: We were eating lots of tacos from a petrol station in Studio City in LA — it was more romantic than it sounds. One night we saw a guy run in and change his clothes in the bathroom and then he sat down next to us. The police came in and he was just sitting there eating an ice cream, and he completely sold it. 

LUNA: What would you like your fans to take away from your latest single and upcoming album? 

CHILDE: My next single is called “Chemical Balance” and it’s about over-medicating and resilience, so hopefully people can find some perspective on that if they don’t already. A lot of the record is me dealing with things that happen to me in real time, so I think there is definitely some wisdom to be gained, even if that’s just avoiding being like a child (laughs).

LUNA: Let’s talk fashion for a minute. You have incredible editorial type shots on your Instagram in some pretty unique outfits. What is it about fashion that draws you in, and does it have a lot of influence in your space as an artist?

CHILDE: How I present physically is the first impression people will get of me as an artist. I want to make sure that it is an act of self-expression. I hate to be locked into one genre or style musically, so I want the way I dress to represent that same freedom.

LUNA: It looks like you have a bunch of great festival and live dates coming up. What can someone expect when getting the chance to see Childe perform? 

CHILDE: The biggest voice you’ve ever heard.

LUNA: When someone thinks of Childe as an artist, the word “chaotic” tends to pop up. I’m assuming that’s in a good way, but do you feel there’s something important in bringing a bit of chaos to your music?

CHILDE: The Buddha talks about accepting chaos as inevitable. Instead of seeing chaos as a lack of control, [he wants us] to accept our lack of control. I have ADHD, so my mind is by nature chaotic — I have had to learn to live alongside the chaos and to find comfort in the freedom. 

LUNA: If you could wake up one morning and be an expert in anything other than music, what would it be?

CHILDE: Should probably say crypto, but no. I would be a carpenter. Creating something from nothing is the most beautiful thing in the world. I would need to work on the patience, though.





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