Q&A: Cassia Explore Introspection and Experiment With Their Sound on Latest EP 'Magnifier'.




PEELING AWAY FROM THE PAST - Cassia has adapted to the present way of life, and their latest EP Magnifier is proof of how well they succeed at it. 

The Macclesfield three-piece (Rob Ellis - lead vocals/guitar, Lou Cotterill - bass and Jake Leff - drums) have achieved a lot in a short period of time, from releasing their debut album to signing with BMG, their music beams with colour. Drifting through daydream and anxiety, Cassia have focused more on writing about the every-day as life began to come to a halt. The last twelve months have been a time of deep introspection for the group as they were living together in Berlin, writing and recording in the same house which they dubbed ‘Casa de Cassia’.

Their new EP Magnifier comes fresh from Annie Mac’s spin of final track “Slow” as her Hottest record on BBC Radio 1. Featuring singles “Gotta Get Through Til Monday”, “Right There” and “Vitamins”, the EP showcases the band’s trademark brand of groovy indie-pop to a greater extent. The tracks have vibrant samba style rhythms, particularly on the anthemic “Right There”. Immersive and self-reflective, it takes the listener on a surreal and almost psychedelic trip. 

The upcoming months are exciting for the band as they are set to embark on live shows throughout Europe. Whilst the absence of live music has been difficult for the touring trio, there is no doubt that it’ll be worth the wait, particularly as “Right There” feels like the perfect crowd-pleaser for when gigs and festivals soon return.

Read below to learn more about Cassia’s latest release Magnifier and the importance of their time in Berlin. 

LUNA: How are you doing these days? How is the summer treating you?

CASSIA: All good! Been busy working on some new stuff. The weather in Berlin is bliss and things are starting to open up again so we're able to get out a bit more!

LUNA: Congrats on the release of Magnifier! You made the project together in your Berlin apartment 'Casa De Cassia'  - can you share a favorite memory from the creative process?

CASSIA: I think it was the last day before we were due to head home. We sat up in the studio with a beer and just had a listen through the EP. It was awesome knowing all the long hours and sleepless nights had amounted to something we were all truly proud of. It was nice to just have a chill out haha.

LUNA: Using the past year to reflect, I'm sure that's had an impact on the feel on this project. Are there any common themes or narratives explored in this project?

CASSIA: For sure the last year impacted the EP. We had to look for inspiration in ways we hadn't before due to just not experiencing very much. I'd say it's quite an introspective EP probably due to the fact we had so much time with our own thoughts. You start to unpick how you're feeling in a very present and vivid way. I think that comes across in the lyrics and we wanted the artwork to reflect this feeling of having your 'head in a fishbowl' magnifying the outside world.

LUNA: How would you compare this EP to Powerlines?

CASSIA: I think some similarities in the sense that it was all recorded by ourselves in our studio. We'd become a bit more accustomed to the process, so we had fun exploring some different production techniques that we hadn't used before. It was nice to be able to put a song like 'gotta get through til Monday' on there which I think gives it a bit more variation and a song for a different occasion. Overall it feels like a nice natural progression from Powerlines, maintaining the groove elements that were introduced in the last ep.

LUNA: Which track are you most proud of?

CASSIA: I actually don't have a favourite, but I think ”Gotta Get Through Til Monday” because it's something a bit different and I'm proud of the fact we weren't afraid to push the boat out and experiment with a new sound.

LUNA: What color do you most associate with this EP?


LUNA: Sonically, what element do you like most about your music?

CASSIA: I think probably the grooves and the relationship between the instruments. Since we started it's only been the 3 of us so we've often compensated for that by trying to make it sound as big as possible with what we have. I think that helped with moulding interesting sounding guitar parts, and also drum/percussion parts that have a uniqueness about them.

LUNA: A fun one - what track would you love to cover and what spin would you put on it?

CASSIA: We actually recently covered “Don’t Look Back In Anger” and that was super fun. We put a slight Cassia spin on it and I don’t think the hardcore oasis fans were for it haha.

LUNA: With this EP out and a tour booked for the fall, what intentions do you have for the upcoming months?

CASSIA: Continue writing and recording! We're working hard on something but can't give too much away. Soon rehearsals will start for the tour and we'll be going back to the UK!





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