Q&A: Creating Free Of Boundaries, BETWEEN FRIENDS Talks “tape 003,” Quarantine & More

☆ By Astrid Ortega

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A POP WONDERLAND OF MELODIC UPBEATNESS BETWEEN FRIENDS is the LA-based sibling duo taking over the world of pop music. Bringing different elements of multiple genres to the table to create their unique sound, BETWEEN FRIENDS is just the right amount of upbeat you need every day. 

The duo has started a new project that takes on the concept of three mixtapes that will ultimately build up into a full project. tape 001 consists of 5 songs that feel like late-night escape: the first song, “stay with it bby,” is like listening to a fusion of late 90s R&B, modern electronica, and pop; this you can hear hints of throughout the other songs, as well. tape 002 — another 5-track installment — is full of bittersweetness and warm upbeat songs perfect for summer days. “tired of your love” is the first song on the installment that transitions the sound of tape 001 into tape 002, then introducing songs like “i like you” and “sliding,” which are bound to be summer staples. 

The next installment, tape 003, is out now and after getting a sneak peak of their single, “lonely,” and its music video, it’s clear that it is by far the most differentiating song for the project. The duo’s inspiration coming from sci-fi movies, “lonely” brings you to an unknown world where you aren’t too far from reality. 

Read more about tape 003 and “lonely” down below!  

LUNA: To start off, we’re really excited to work with you guys for Luna again. You guys were in our ninth issue back in 2019 — which feels like decades ago. How have you guys been since then? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: Wow, it really has felt like an eternity. It’s so nice to be back with uuuu! We've been doing well — just working a lot; non-stop making stuff recently. 

LUNA: I know artists are always asked about their time during the pandemic, but it’s really interesting to see how they utilized this time for their creativity. Did you guys try anything new, creatively, whether it be through your music or other art forms? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: Definitely — we made a full mixtape, something we never planned on doing. We’ve always said we were gonna stick with short-format projects, but because of our time inside this past year, we just made so much material. It’s crazy what isolation can do creatively. At some point it really felt like our only escape. 

LUNA: Your new song, “lonely,” really captivates this sense of vulnerability with slight dark hints throughout the song — what inspired this specific sound? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: This song to its core is really just a feeling. Our goal sonically was to fit that feeling and to enhance that feeling. Nothing cures loneliness like big bass. 

LUNA: Visually, your music video for “lonely” has this cinematic sci-fi movie feel to it that empowers that “loneliness,” which really stands out from your other music videos. Do you hope to start experimenting with different visual styles this year? Is there any other visual content that has been inspiring you lately?

BETWEEN FRIENDS: Absolutely — we try to uphold a “no rules, no boundaries” mentality. We are so afraid of boxes; we just want to freely create whatever feels authentic to us in a moment of time. 

LUNA: “lonely” will be part of tape 003, and it’s really interesting that you guys are releasing all of this new music in installments, which really builds on excitement. I don’t think I see many artists doing that. How did you guys come to the decision that you wanted it to be like that instead of a full project all at once? Do you prefer it better? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: When we finished the project, we both realized that it was kind of a lot to digest at once. We wanted to slowly introduce new sounds and new elements from us without it being overwhelming. It was made to be listened to as an entire experience, but we’ve grown fond of the tape splits.

LUNA: What should we expect to hear on tape 003

BETWEEN FRIENDS: tape 003 is definitely the rawest. Every song is based on a specific situation or experience we went through at some point in the past few years. During the early days of lockdown, days started to become monotonous, past experiences started to feel like daydreams, and we wanted to capture those stories.

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LUNA: Since the last time we spoke, do you feel like your sound or music style has changed since 2019? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: Absolutely we have changed since 2019, and our music is an honest reflection of us. We are always growing and changing — that’s the coolest thing about being a human. We always want to be pushing ourselves in new directions. 

LUNA: Fun question, slightly difficult — if you were stranded on an island, what three records would you guys take with you? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: There’s noooo way we can pick three. Hmm ... I feel like this answer could change weekly. At the moment, though, maybe Patrice Rushen’s Straight From the Heart, Abbey Road by The Beatles, and D'angelo’s Voodoo

LUNA: To wrap it up, what does BETWEEN FRIENDS hope to accomplish this year? Is there anything you’re looking forward to doing? 

BETWEEN FRIENDS: We can’t wait to share the rest of this project with everyone. It was a labor of love. <333





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