Now Listening: This Week's Tracks


By Astrid Ortega & Isabella Vega

Dear Moon - “Queen of Silence”

A true debut to remember, the Scandanavian group Dear Moon utilizes their anonymity to set the tone for their career. With “Queen of Silence”, an alternative rock infused electronic music record, the band proudly debuts themselves as frantic, yet tranquil, yet melancholy, music to make you both feel and bust down to, creating a heaven space for listeners. The production is exciting, with light drums and beat accenting the somewhat muffled and passionate voice of the lead singer. The lyrics read as a confessional “Tell me, Queen of Silence, what’s on your mind?”; the sarcasm and excitement poured through the track like warm honey.  A band based on friendship, Dear Moon knows that to talk to listeners is to grab the most exciting parts of life and make them scream, creating a sound that is both fresh and timeless for all to enjoy.

Channo - “Underwater Heart”

A synth beat with bubbles in the background, Channo’s EP track sets the scene by drowning the listener in it’s intoxicating rhythm. The beat is fun and carefree, taking your mind off of the lull your mind comes to as the dreamy vocals lure you deeper into an underwater kingdom, accented by the cover art of an underwater heart. Channo is a figure who prioritizes mystery over exposure, reinventing itself in order to both create interest and stay true to the dreamer who started it all. After having worked with multiple well-respected producers, Channo utilizes the opportunity of a solo-splash in order to craft his most complex production to date, showing that warmth and fun still have a place within the times.

Stray Fossa - “Are You Gonna Be Okay”

Stray Fossa release their new single, “Are You Gonna Be Okay,” a song that asks an important question and a song that makes you feel good. Stray Fossa’s take on indie rock and dream pop create songs like “AYGBO” that you’ll listen in the morning on your way to work or school, and feel like you’re in a movie scene. The song is seamlessly smooth, the vocals blend and flow, and every beat feels like you’re floating higher and higher. With an upcoming east coast tour in early 2020 and a spring season spent back in the studio, Stray Fossa is going to make 2020 their year. We’re pretty excited about that and all that Stray Fossa will bless us with.

Loose Buttons - “I Don’t Really Know”

Do you want something to look forward to in February? The anticipation of Loose Buttons upcoming debut album, “Something Better,” is what's going to make these next few weeks go by quickly and we’re not mad about that. Their single, “I Don’t Really Know,” gives us a taste of what to expect and it’s kinda bittersweet nostalgia. The songs’ vocals and melody reminds us of early indie rock, something we don’t often hear anymore but, should have more of in music nowadays. It’s like one of those songs you’d wait to hear on the radio because it made you feel good, it was stuck in your head all day, and you just wanted to play it on repeat. Give it a listen, and we hope the lyrics “where do we go from here?” will be stuck in your head and the tune will make your heart happy.


Throwing you back into times where things were much simpler, KYTES’ new single, “Go Out,” looks back to a time where you’d just show up at your friends house, no phones, no disturbing forms of media, just hang out with your friends and going out. The song starts with a nice little tune, introducing the vocals and the rhythm, then a fun tune starts and you’re going to want to jump to your feet and dance around. KYTES will be releasing a new album Good Luck in February 2020, giving us more reason to look forward to next month. It’ll be an album full of fun indie-pop, inspired by the 80s, they will continue making infectious music, stuck in your head all day songs. “Go Out” is definitely a song you’ll be making memories to so give it a listen and share with friends, make some nice memories.



Q&A: The Know


Now Listening: This Week's Tracks