Spotlight: Sea of Love

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ASKING THE QUESTION OF WHAT DOES LOVE MEAN TO YOU? - Sierra Pauley highlights the power and depth of love. Serving as a launch for her brand Sea of Love, Pauley’s new video features those in her life that have all played varying roles, asking them each the simple feature of “What does love mean to you?” She notes, “They all are very different people from each other, so I knew that the answers were going to be really different, which was what I was wanting! I want Sea of Love to kind of focus around what “love” is and how it means different things for everyone based on how they are using the word. Whether it be self-love, loving a partner, loving your children or the love you have for passions.”

Watch “Sea of Love” below and read on to learn more about the creative process, the expansion of Sea of Love and more.

LUNA: Can you tell us about your new brand "Sea of Love”?

PAULEY: I am still figuring out exactly what I want Sea of Love to stand for. It is still a work in progress but, I know I do want Sea of Love to be a brand that emphasizes emotions and being different. The colors that are apart of the brand are dreamy pastels. I want it to be sustainable by recycling fabric and hand-dying each piece myself. I want Sea of Love to be a brand that makes you feel safe and inspires you to dream.

LUNA: How did you come up with the video concept?

PAULEY: For this video I know I really wanted it be based around what love is, because everyone has their own understanding of love. Since there are various types of love, I thought it would be cool to ask three different people that differ in where they are in life, what “love means to them.” From there everything just kinda flowed honestly. 

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LUNA: What the creative process of shooting & putting the clips together like?

PAULEY: A majority of the clips were never really planned! I wanted the video to contain raw, simple clips of people that make me and others feel warm. I did want the video to be a reflection of the Sea of Love aesthetic, by having the video contain dreamy colors and have a lot of the clips be in nature. As for the voice recordings, I just asked the same question to each person, and got three different meanings of what love does mean to them. :)

LUNA: What does love mean to you?

PAULEY: SOOOO many things. Love is beautiful. I have somewhat found out what love means to me in different aspects of my life. Everything I love, I do love differently. But, personally everything love has in common is patience. 

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LUNA: How do you see Sea of Love expanding? 

PAULEY: I see it expanding by being a brand that is not just one thing. I want to have a place where other people can express themselves too. Currently, I am working on a collection and… my first book. :) so there is a lot of room for growth with sea of love. Right now it is my passion, but in the future i hope to make my passion into my full time job! if that were to happen, then I would have made my dream real.

LUNA: What do you like about video/film as a medium in particular? 

PAULEY: You get to feel present in the moment when recording it. You get to catch people’s reactions to things. You get to look back into time. You get to see how much you’ve grown. You get to remember who you were in that certain time. You get to see if your relationship with others have grown or not. There are so many things you can take from a video/film. More people should try and capture a moment that you felt present in, because when you look back you’ll remember what you were feeling in it. Maybe not, but i hope.. :) 

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LUNA: Is there something you want to take away from this project?

PAULEY: This project kinda set the vibe i want sea of love to be. I was kinda confused on how to start the video even, it all seemed overwhelming. I even had a premiere for it at my friends fashion show she hosted in my hometown, so i was intimated. but, i did it and was super proud of it. so if i was to take something away it would be to trust myself and tell myself that anything i create and put into the world is brave.

LUNA: If you could share one thing about you as a creative, what would you like everyone to know? 

PAULEY: To create for yourself. it is kinda easy to get lost in the creative world, because you are open-minded and constantly inspired. But, have your signature. Find your style over and over again, and keep a lot of it to yourself.







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