PREMIERE: Hear Not The Ending’s “Only Good” Ahead of New EP
Photo By Lauren Nieves
SPRING BRINGS NEW MUSIC FROM ELECTRONIC DUO NOT THE ENDING — A year ago, they released their debut self-titled EP, a soft Sylvan Esso-influenced introduction to the work of Julia Segal and Matt Francisco. After the release of Not the Ending, Segal met up with Francisco at his home in Los Angeles for another round of recording. They return this year with dancier, house-techno and self-professed pop tracks from their upcoming EP due in May. Today, Not the Ending premieres their newest single, “Only Good,” exclusively on The Luna Collective.
“I rewrote it in the fall when we decided to revisit [the song]. It honestly came from a place of thinking about relationships and needing that attention at all moments. When that’s not there, that’s when you feel this pull away or break. It was really coming from that place of feeling someone pulling away from me.” Segal says.
In between the business of their personal lives–Segal in the middle of writing her own musical for production, Francisco creating music under his solo project Without the San–they give themselves four days face-to-face to piece their ideas together. When Segal flies from New York to record with Francisco in Los Angeles, she comes with no notes app and no lyrics. Their recording sessions are experimental and impromptu, Francisco building tracks and Segal weaving in what she feels in the moment.
“I would not be able to come up with a melody if [Matt] hadn’t created the masterpiece of the track that he always does. That’s the magic of us working together. I feel like it’s his production and tracks that are so creative and fresh… it gives room for a melody to just crisply go into that.”
“Only Good,” as well as their previous single “MY MIND,” are reminiscent of Fred again.. with progressive beats that play with the gossamer feeling of Segal’s introspective lyrics. He’s bringing more of his own influences to Not the Ending, such as Australian DJ Juno Mamba or friend and producer Choopsie.
“I remember when Julia showed up and I had a bunch of projects already, we ended up starting from scratch a lot more this time. Instead of me pulling ideas that I thought would work for Julia, I was like, I’m just gonna make what I want to make right now,” Francisco says. “I’m trying to see what ways I can add myself into [the music] a little bit more. I tend to not do that when I work with other people. I tend to hide the things that make me me. I want to try and bring in that danciness when I can.”
“[With our first EP] we were like, let’s just test it out and figure out our sound. The truth is, you’re not going to figure out your sound maybe ever. What we say at the start of every session is let’s just see what happens and go with it. I think not having those limitations one, makes it fun; two, makes us trust each other so much; and three, so far, has made some really awesome tracks. So why not just keep going with that?”
“Only Good” streams everywhere on March 21.