Q&A: Zoe Ko Unleashes a Fierce Diss Track, Telling Haters to “Kiss My (Ah)”



Photography Credit: Breanna Lynn


ZOE KO HAS ALWAYS BEEN UNAPOLOGETICALLY HERSELF and her latest release, “Kiss My (Ah),” is no exception. Following the success of her debut EP Baby Teeth and singles such as “EAT / DIRT” and “Touch Therapy,” Ko has returned with a high-energy, empowering anthem that channels her high school experiences into a final clap back. Inspired by artists like No Doubt and Britney Spears, Ko has combined pop and rock influences to create something uniquely her own.

The Luna Collective had the chance to sit down with Ko as she opened up about the inspiration behind “Kiss My (Ah),” how growing up in New York City shaped her fearless attitude, and what it’s been like performing on tour with UPSAHL. Ko’s music is an exploration of self-confidence, individuality and resilience. As she continues to evolve as an artist, Ko is set on making music that’s both personal and empowering. Read below to learn more about Ko.

LUNA: Your new song “Kiss My (Ah)” feels like a powerful anthem of self-confidence. Could you talk more about how your high school experiences influenced the writing of this track?

KO: It's funny because I’m not actually that salty anymore. It’s been six years, and I don’t get into fights or have drama anymore, but I felt like I needed to have my diss track moment. This was my final clap back. I was on my way to a session, and I just kept singing parts of the chorus and post-chorus. When I got to the session, I said, "Let’s make this my first diss track." I touched on some of these feelings in my last EP, Baby Teeth, but this felt like the right time to close that chapter. Growing up in New York, I learned to embrace individuality and just do whatever I wanted without judgment. That energy also inspired the track.

LUNA: You’ve mentioned that New York taught you to live with confidence and not care about what others think. How has the city shaped your attitude toward your music and career?

KO: Living in Union Square, I remember this guy always jamming to music in these wild outfits. He left such an impression on me. Growing up in New York, I appreciated the differences in people and saw how the world thrives on individuality. I wore crazy clothes in high school—fur coats, bralettes and assless chaps—and instead of being ridiculed, it was celebrated. It gave me the freedom to be who I wanted to be, and that’s carried into my music.

LUNA: You reference “Hella Good” by No Doubt and “Gimme More” by Britney Spears as inspirations for “Kiss My (Ah).” What was it about these songs that resonated with you during the creative process?

KO: Both songs are sexy, but with grit, and they’re super catchy. The energy of “Hella Good” was exactly what I wanted to achieve, especially with the dirty guitar riffs. The repetitive "more, more" lines in “Gimme More” inspired me to do something similar in “Kiss My (Ah).” I wanted to pull direct inspiration from them but still make it my own.

LUNA: I can definitely see the connection between those songs and your track. Your debut EP Baby Teeth introduced a raw and edgy sound. How does “Kiss My (Ah)” further your musical evolution, and how does it connect with your previous releases?

KO: My very first releases, “Line” and “Till You,” along with “Fire Escape,” were softer indie-pop songs. I’ve always loved hit pop songs and 2000s pop, but as I got into more rock music in my 20s, I found myself bouncing between pop and rock sounds. With “Kiss My (Ah),” I feel like I’ve finally merged the two. It’s got the heavier rock guitars but with catchy, pop-forward melodies. I’ve also softened my voice a bit and settled into a sound that feels like me.

LUNA: I think you’ve nailed it. It’s the perfect balance between pop and rock. You’ve been touring with UPSAHL across North America. How has the tour experience been so far, and what has it been like performing “Kiss My (Ah)” live?

KO: I performed it during the Sophie Powers tour as well, but it was only a five-show run, so it wasn’t fully set up. But it’s been amazing. Even with Sophie’s tour, it was great to open for a woman artist. I’ve looked up to UPSAHL for so long. Her early songs were at the top of my playlists. Now, she’s become an incredible mentor, and performing with her feels full-circle for me.

LUNA: You’ve received praise for highlighting themes of authenticity and empowerment in your music. What drives you to explore these themes, and how do you hope they resonate with your listeners?

KO: Honestly, I don’t think too much about how it’ll resonate with others. I write about what I’m feeling that day. A lot of my new music is about embracing bad-bitch energy, and it’s a way for me to explore that within myself. Like everyone, I struggle with anxiety, depression and insecurity, but in the studio, I can embody this confident version of myself, which is really empowering.

LUNA: "Kiss My (Ah)" delivers a clear message of not caring about what others think. What advice would you give to someone struggling with self-confidence or facing criticism, especially in a digital world where feedback can be overwhelming?

KO: The best thing you can do is focus inward and love yourself.





Gallery: Faye Webster In Austin


Gallery: Mitski in Portland