Q&A: Worry Club Will Make You Groove With New Single “Jonesin”


☆ BY Cameron Capanash ☆


NTRODUCING THE LISTENER WITH CHARMING GUITAR AND TASTY LICKS - Worry Club’s latest single “Jonesin” is out on the stream waves and is waiting for listeners to swan dive into it. The track takes you on a ride exploring the all too relatable idea of wanting someone or something that isn’t good for us. Keeping you reeled in with the guitar riffs and experimentation, the diverse array of instruments showcases Worry Club’s growing sonic landscape. The production highlights layers and layers of guitar to bring the song to a new level that makes you want to groove. From the soundbites signaling the beginning to the end, this song maintains its honesty. 

Allowing his fans to get further insight into the making of his work, Worry Club introduces us to the people that are behind the scenes making this all possible with their “Meet The Club” series. This showcases the talents of the other individuals that Worry Club knows from the internet and college, that help makes his music possible. Together with his crew, Worry Club recently shot a music video to accompany “Jonesin”, and the few things we know for sure are: it’s at a roller rink, it was shot on a Tuesday night, and Worry Club fell on their ass at least three times. 

Seemingly enough Worry Club continues to work on his craft, and is working to compile unreleased music into an upcoming EP. While no date is set for the music video or EP, we will be wearing our very complicated pattern shirts from Dan Flashes awaiting for both to be released. Read below to learn more about “Jonesin”, his Halloween costume plans and more. 

LUNA: How is the beginning of the fall season treating you?

WORRY CLUB: Not too bad! Gettin a little chilly here in Chicago, but I don’t like to go outside anyways!

LUNA: Congrats on the release of “Jonesin”! Love the production on this track - can you share a favorite moment from the making of this one? 

WORRY CLUB: Definitely the first explosion that comes in halfway through. That was so much fun to make and really cool to experiment with recording just a ton of guitars. I love making chaos in an otherwise straightforward pretty song. 

LUNA: Which set of lyrics are you most proud of from this track? 

WORRY CLUB: The lyrics I always loved are “I know you want me too. You remind me of my worst tattoo” it really drives home the whole feeling of this song. Wanting someone who isn’t good for you.

LUNA: Sonically, how would you compare the feel of upcoming music to the projects you released back in 2020? 

WORRY CLUB: These new songs I’ve been creating are just HUGE. I’ve been starting with an idea and then figuring out just how big I can stretch it.

LUNA: What color do you most associate with “Jonesin”? 

WORRY CLUB: I was actually just talking about this! When I hear Jonesin I think of purple and blue neon lights in a rainy city at night.

LUNA: We’ve been loving your ‘Meet The Club’ series - how did this idea come together to begin with? 

WORRY CLUB: Thank you! I feel like from the start there’s always been a lot of people behind the scenes in Worry Club but most of the fans really only know me. I wanted to show everyone how awesome the club is. We’re really just a big group of friends. Some from the internet and some from college. 

LUNA: Any upcoming music video plans you can share with us? 

WORRY CLUB: With Jonesin, we shot an insane music video completely DIY. We rented out an old roller rink and shot all night on like a Tuesday. It was so fun. And I fell on my ass at least three times. Which is featured in the music video. 

LUNA: What will you be dressing up as for Halloween?

WORRY CLUB: If you watch “I think you should leave” on Netflix then you’ll know what I mean when I say, I got the most complicated Dan Flashes shirt I could find.

LUNA: As the year winds down, what intentions do you have for the upcoming months?

WORRY CLUB: I’m working really hard to compile all of this unreleased music I have into an EP and making more music to fill in the cracks of that compilation.





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