
Meet VERSES Magazine: a one woman show that has amassed a distinct style without even being one year old. Curated, designed, advertised, sold and everything else is done by the woman behind it all, Kari Trail. In this interview, she dives into her inspiration behind creating such an editorial empire without assistance, her advice for aspiring creatives, and what the future holds for VERSES (ps. an interview with Clairo? Who knows what the future holds!) Read below to learn more about VERSES & its roots and use the code LUNA15 for 15% any purchase from their store here.


LUNA: For those unfamiliar, can you please introduce Verses? 

VERSES: Verses is an independent magazine meant to showcase diverse voices through experimental art, writing, and photography in print. The main goal is to promote the power of art and words in tangible form. The overarching theme of ‘identity’ can be found throughout our magazines with each issue diving into the different parts that make us up as individuals but, simultaneously, connect us as humans. I am currently making 100 page magazine issues– one per season– that are filled with poems, collages, interviews, stories, film diaries, drawings, and more from all around the world.

LUNA: What ultimately lead to you creating Verses?

VERSES: I’ve always been drawn to printed goods ever since I was little. As a kid, I always loved to make zines out of printer paper, crayon scribbles and stories. In kindergarten, I made a handmade book about a dog; in fourth grade, I made a longer zine filled with mazes, quizzes and doodles; in fifth grade, I attempted to write a novel, but only ended up. with one chapter. This obsession with books and magazines ensued, and kept tugging at me for years. However, it was only once I realized I had the tools to make my own magazine that I really let my love for print take over to create Verses!


LUNA: Who is the team behind the zine?

VERSES: At the moment, it’s actually only me haha. I think I’ve found a good rhythm and pace at the moment, but would definitely consider building more of a team as Verses grows.

LUNA: What have you been inspired by lately? 

VERSES: So many things! To name a few: Cult Classic magazine (phenomenal design!), Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel (honestly, how can you not be inspired by that), drawings by Momo Meow, Croatian architecture (random but literally so beautiful), indie albums (such as ’No Dogs Allowed’ by Sidney Gish, ‘Jinx’ by Crumb, or ‘Helvetica' by Jelani Aryeh), every It’s Nice That article (an design amazing platform), Fisk Studios (some of the most inspiring typography) and other independent magazines!

LUNA: How do you stay motivated in your creative endeavors?

VERSES: Personally, finding a balance between my creative work (ie. designing, drawing, collaborating with other artists on the magazine) and other responsibilities (ie. school work, extra curriculars) is so important. If I let the balance weigh too much on one side over the other, I find that my motivation can falter as a result. For example, if I constantly prioritize creative endeavors over other aspects in my life, I can overwhelm myself, oftentimes leading to creative blocks; on the other hand, if I prioritize other responsibilities over my creative work, I can lose sight over how rewarding and necessary it is to fuel your creativity. One of the best ways to stay motivated is to stay consistent! I have to constantly push myself to strive for that balance which can mean setting reminders to draw every day, getting started on that big project you’ve been procrastinating on, or stepping out of your creative comfort zone. For me, I’ve been trying to write a poem every day while we are in quarantine, as well as mixing my own music for fun. 


LUNA: What do you love about your audience? 

VERSES: Their support and creativity! I absolutely love seeing all of their submissions for each issue– I am so lucky to have such a creative audience engaged with the content I’m putting out.

LUNA: Do you have any dream collaborations / features? 

VERSES: Yes! My absolute dream collaboration would be a feature with Clairo. I would literally cry if that happened– if that somehow worked out, it would honestly be the peak of my career haha. I’ve been a diehard fan since the Soundcloud days and think her rise to fame through the Internet is so fascinating. I’ve started to make a shift towards more interviews in the current issue I’m currently working on, so it would literally be a dream come true to work with her in the future. Very idealistic, but fingers crossed!

LUNA: Why is it important to have a community for young creatives? 

VERSES: Community is everything when it comes to creativity as a young artist. Not only does it foster a place of constant inspiration, but it promotes young creatives to take their ideas to the next level. I would’ve never been able to find the confidence or inspiration to make my own magazine without other print-based communities such as Crybaby, Cult Classic, and Luna! :’)

LUNA: If you could share any piece of advice for those wanting to start a zine or creative project, what would you like to pass along? 

VERSES: The most important thing is to stay authentic and to create something that makes you really happy. In the beginning, I was overwhelmed with inspiration, and it took a bit of time before I really started to find my own style and interests in terms of design. It’s crucial to balance creative drive with attainability too– yes, you might want to buy 1000 copies of your first issue, but it’s important to keep in mind that making a magazine, creative project, or zine is a gradual process. Support and trust from your audience is something that grows over time, and learning to take it one step at a time will be beneficial to both you and your project. Finally, don’t feel discouraged by other creatives. It’s never too late to start pursuing something you are passionate about, and remember that every magazine or creative community had to start somewhere.


LUNA: In what ways would you like to see Verses expand? 

VERSES: I’m really keen on venturing towards longer issues in the future– more of a coffee-table book style. With a larger audience means more of a safety net when it comes to financing the book, so we’ll see when there's the financial means to really push for a bigger project. In the mean time, I’m hoping to make some smaller zines in between the seasonal 100 page issues, and to donate half the proceeds to a charity that aligns with the specific topic. I’m also excited to shift towards more interviews with the artists and creatives in the magazine!

LUNA: How are you taking care of yourself during quarantine? 

VERSES: I’ve been diving into some cathartic means of reflection during this time. For me, this means reading books / magazines, watching cinematically and aesthetically pleasing movies, writing a poem every night, working on watercolor paintings, designing Verses’ third issue, and building a portfolio for college (AH!). It’s been great to take the time to engage with other independent magazines and their content– if you need something to do, check out some of your favorite magazines’ websites and look around.

LUNA: Do you have any upcoming plans / goals you’d like to share?

VERSES: Definitely! I’m currently working on designing on Issue 3 for Verses which, by far, is the best issue yet! I’ve been really working on honing in on new typographic and design elements for this issues, and the extra time invested in this has been really worth it. I’ve got three exciting interviews in this issue (with a filmmaker, poet, and band), as well as tons of photos, poems, illustrations, playlists, and more. Not only does each issue come with a sticker and a print, but it just might have another zine that comes with it… tucked inside the actual magazine. :’) This issue is so special to me because I was lucky enough to incorporate content from some of my biggest inspirations in it, and I hope it inspires everyone else too! I’m planning for it to be released in mid-May, so stay tuned for that.





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