Q&A: Trousdale Announces ‘Out Of My Mind’ Deluxe Album


★★ BY kimberly kapela ★★


A LOVE LETTER TO ALL TROUSDALE FANS — LA folk-pop band Trousdale have announced that their latest album Out Of My Mind will be receiving a deluxe version on July 12. Today’s news is celebrated by the release of fan-favorite “If I’m Honest - Live From LA” and a video of the performance from El Rey Theatre. 

The live version of “If I’m Honest” is an electrifying rendition, capturing the high energy of the audience and presenting itself as the amped-up older sister of the studio version. With the trio — Quinn D’Andrea, Georgia Greene, and Lauren Jones — delivering their masterful harmonies front and center, the performance underscores the sheer magnitude and immersive experience of a Trousdale live show. The release offers a tantalizing glimpse into the band’s dynamic stage presence and the evident connection they share with their audience.

“‘If I’m Honest’ has been a real favorite of ours to perform ever since we first wrote it,” the band says. “It marked this cool turning point in our songwriting journey, injecting a whole new vibe into our performances. Taking it on the road live was like throwing the ultimate bash every time we hit the stage. There's just this electric connection with the audience that makes it feel like one big party.”

The deluxe version of Out Of My Mind is a love letter to Trousdale's fans, a heartfelt expression of gratitude for their unwavering support and a promise of more exciting musical adventures to come.

LUNA: Thank you for sitting down and talking to Luna. Our readers would love to get to know you and your music more. You released your debut record Out Of My Mind last fall. For any readers who aren’t familiar yet, what is the inspiration behind the record?

LAUREN: I feel like we've always just been super song driven. We all met in college and we're always drawn to each other. We all have a similar taste in music. I feel like Out Of My Mind is really about accumulating the best songs that we possibly could in that time, and putting out the best record that we possibly could and really exploring our creativity and our ability as producers to make our own album. 

GEORGIA: I would say we definitely had been three people. We have our own life experiences to draw from when writing. We collected many songs and we pulled our favorites from that bunch. A big part of the inspiration was producing it ourselves and making that a huge priority so that we could showcase not only our songwriting, but our production and sound. I feel like ever since we started being a band, our genre is very fluid and it changes from song to song. I feel like our sound didn't really solidify or become what it was until we became involved in the production because we like to keep our harmonies as the centerpiece of the music.

LUNA: You just announced the deluxe version for Out Of My Mind to be released next month. What are you most excited for listeners to experience with the newly released songs?

QUINN: I'm excited for some live versions of songs off of the album. That's really how we started as a band, just playing live music and connecting with each other in a live setting and connecting with an audience more and more as our fan base grew. I'm really excited for people that haven't been to a show of ours to get to experience a little piece of the energy of what a live performance is like for us, and how that music is translated to the stage and to feel it in that organic way, or for people that do come to our shows and maybe get to feel that excitement and that experience again. I think it's something that we're really proud of and we love to showcase how much of a live-based band we are and we've never really put anything out for streaming that really centers around that. We also have some features that we're super excited for. We've never done that before either. With the deluxe album, we have videos that are going along with a lot of the live songs and I think that'll be a great thing to have in addition and really give people the feeling of what we do live. 

LAUREN: We started this record in my tiny home studio. I feel like the growth that's happened from start to finish, Out Of My Mind is such a huge change for us. I think that's going to be something that's really exciting for people to see in the live versions too. The live versions that we're releasing are from our biggest headlining show today, and I think it's really cool for people that have been following along to see the growth that we've had.

LUNA: How did the decision to release the deluxe version of the album come to life?

LAUREN: I feel like Out Of My Mind was such an important project for us. We spent a little over two years working on it. We started at the end of the pandemic. It was such a labor of love. We were trying to finish it and we rushed so much into the release and getting it out that we felt like there was still a story to be told here with this group of songs. We just felt like a deluxe record was a really great way to shine a light on a project that meant so much to us and was such a big milestone in our journey.

GEORGIA: The way that music is ingested these days is just very quick. While we're working on the next project, I think it was important for us to feel like we could give the album space to live a little bit more in such a quickly digested music culture, though just to showcase some of our favorite songs that we feel like maybe didn't get as much light of day as we had thought that they deserved or wanting to show a song in a slightly different light. 

LUNA: What is your favorite song from Out Of My Mind and why do you love it? Is there a certain lyric or message that stands out to you the most?

GEORGIA: I think we'll probably have three different answers, which is one of the beautiful things of being in a band of three. I think I have a soft spot personally for “Movie Star,” and we wrote that song with John Mark Nelson, who is a dear collaborator and friend of ours. I love the chorus, “pull over in a parking lot / slow dancing to my favorite song / you kiss me at the perfect part,” and it feels like a visual representation of what it feels like to fall in love and be in a dream state. 

QUINN: I love “Out Of My Mind.” my favorite changes all the time, but no matter what “Out Of My Mind” is one of my favorites to perform live consistently every time. It's the song we close our shows with, and it feels like joy, freedom and release, and just giving ourselves and our listeners permission to live and make mistakes and be themselves. I think it feels like permission to exist in such a high energy and joyous way.

LAUREN: I feel like it depends on the day. I feel like there's different emotions, but I feel like “Point Your Finger” is one that I'm really, really stoked about. 

LUNA: What kind of atmosphere or emotional space do you aim to create for your listeners?

QUINN: I feel like safety is such a huge one. Safety, acceptance, support and joy. If we could create a space where you're at a show and you're feeling entertained, but you also feel like you're spending time with a dear friend that you really trust, I feel like we've done our jobs. 

GEORGIA: We always say that we want people to feel like they can come to one of our shows alone and feel safe, comfortable, and held in our music and in the environment of the crowd. We're so lucky. Our fan base is really supportive, gentle and kind. I feel supported on stage. I think because the three of us are friends and we have known each other for so long, and we've gone through so much together, there's such support for each other on our end that I feel like it comes through live. I think when people listen to the record specifically, we want people to feel what they're going through is human and we want people to feel like they're not alone.

LUNA: You are about to go on your “Still Out Of My Mind” tour next week. What song are you most excited to play live?

GEORGIA: For me it would be “The Chain” Fleetwood Mac cover.

QUINN: No matter what, the crowd gets hyped for that one and it feels like a party.

LAUREN: I would say “If You're Hurting” is one that I always love doing live. That's always a good check in for me to feel connected to the audience and myself. 

LUNA: Do you have any pre-show or post-show rituals that you do to help ensure that you play your best show?

GEORGIA: I think this has become a ritual where we say ‘I've got your back’ to each other. It ensures that no matter what, I'm not going to be judging if you make a mistake or you're uncomfortable on stage, I've got your back. We're here for each other.

LUNA: How are you feeling in this current era of your career and what does the upcoming year look like for you that you would love to share with Luna?

QUINN: I think that there's a lot of exciting stuff in the future that we know about and stuff that we're just hoping and planning. We're working on some new music right now that we're really excited and inspired by. I think we're coming to a point in our own careers that I think we've been building up to for a few years of doing every aspect of everything ourselves and we're starting to build a team around us. It's really helping us see through a lot of the big ideas that we have. I think we're creating a lot right now. We'll be out on the road a lot more, so we're really excited for that.

LUNA: Is there anything that I didn’t ask that you would like to add?

LAUREN: Being women in music, I feel like that's a really important thing about us. I feel like especially promoting women in production is really important to us and promoting visibility and making sure that people feel like they have the permission to fail. There are so many women in music that already do production work and they don't feel like they get the credit for it because they may also be the artist and then those things are looping together a lot of the time. Quinn does a really beautiful speech every night.

QUINN: That's something that we talked about at all of our shows and trying to be in some way a role model or someone that is visible to the public that might make someone that's younger than us that is in a similar situation as us feel like they do have the permission to show their passions and tell their story to the world without feeling like it has to be perfect. I think it's tough for women to do in this industry, especially on the other side of it with production. We weren't raised seeing a lot of women producing, and so it feels like there's really high stakes and there's a lot of pressure for perfection to prove that you're good enough to call yourself a producer when you're a woman. I think us being loud about it and talking about it whenever we have the chance, I hope gives people that permission and motivation to do whatever they're passionate about. If you're passionate about it and it feels true to you, then someone else is going to connect to it and then someone else that is younger than you will be inspired to do it themselves. 

GEORGIA: Following your intuition is something that we want to encourage, and again that people aren't alone in their journey and that it's all okay.

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