Q&A: Tim Atlas Brings His New Sound to Austin


☆ BY Sophie Gragg


THERE ARE ARTISTS WHO CREATE, AND THEN THERE ARE ARTISTS WHO CONNECT ON A DEEPER LEVEL, WEAVING THEIR EMOTIONS AND EXPERIENCES INTO EVERY NOTE AND LYRIC. Tim Atlas undoubtedly falls into the latter category. As he approaches the final stretch of his tour, the journey so far has been more than just a series of performances; it's been a profound connection with his fans. Beyond the streaming numbers and data, Atlas finds the true essence of his music when he sees the genuine reactions of the people in the crowd.

His latest project, Le Soir, represents a significant evolution in his sound and style. Having relocated to New York, he embraced the roots of his musical journey by reintroducing real drums into his compositions. This departure from the digital realm reflects an artist who has come full circle, rediscovering his musical identity and creating songs that feel like a genuine reflection of himself. Now, as he gears up for the rollout of his second EP and an album on the horizon, Tim Atlas is poised to take his listeners on an even more profound and personal musical journey.

We chatted with Atlas in Austin prior to his show at the iconic Antone’s to hear more about tour, playing the new music and what’s to come the rest of the year.

LUNA: You're about almost three-quarter done with this tour, so how has it been going overall?

ATLAS: It's been really rewarding. All of the Spotify numbers and data doesn't feel real until you see it. The numbers are just numbers until you see people in the crowd. Touring is a reminder of what it's about – connecting with people.

LUNA: Absolutely, the connection is key. Numbers don't always translate to real experiences. Your new project is out, and you've been playing it live. How's the fan response been to the new music in a live setting?

ATLAS: The fan response has been really good. It's been awesome because this project is a sonic pivot and a true representation of me. Playing all the old stuff is great, but it's amazing when people connect with the new songs. It's so fresh.

LUNA: It must be nice to play new material after playing older songs countless times. Do you have a favorite track to perform live from your recent work?

ATLAS: "Attractive" is a favorite because it's easy to sing along to. People pick it up quickly. "Courtside" is interesting because it's newer, and I see new fans connecting with it. But playing "Tangerine" is special; it creates an intimate moment, and I see people having genuine moments with each other.

LUNA: "Tangerine" must create some memorable live experiences. Your music has evolved, partly because of your move to New York. Sonically, what are some key differences between this project and your past work?

ATLAS: This project has a different vibe. I experimented with faster tempos, but the significant change was using a real drum set. When I was writing this record, I was renting out this studio in Williamsburg and they had this drum set set up ready to play. Drums were my first instrument. Previously, I would just like program drums, maybe do some live shakes, but it's not the same. A lot of these songs started on just the drum set. It's a return to my roots. It's funny because this might sound different to a lot of people, but it really is full circle for me.

LUNA: Going back to your roots can be really fulfilling artistically. It's a journey towards making music that feels true to you. So, looking ahead, what are your plans for September and beyond?

ATLAS: After this tour, we'll start rolling out EP number two, leading to an album next year.

LUNA: That sounds exciting but also quite busy. How are you feeling about the upcoming rollout – more excited or nervous?

ATLAS: I'm more excited. This album has a little bit of everything, so if you liked the old stuff or the new stuff, there's something in between – a sweet spot.

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