Q&A: Thandii


ALLUSIVE SYNTHS AND SEDUCTIVE VOCALS - Thandii is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat waiting for each note to bring you in further. The Margate, England duo consisting of Jess and Graham explore an array of lyrical topics and instruments equally. The group's latest EP Serious Town takes inspiration from darker side of the psyche though bringing in light and sweet aspects. Dive into Serious Town and read on to hear more about the creation of this project.

LUNA: How would you compare Serious Town to your previous music sonically? 

THANDII: With Serious Town we wanted to experiment more with space and air in the production. Our previous music had much more in it, big synths, loud drums and a kinda washed out sound. We wanted to bring things back to basics and focus on lyrics for a bit. 


LUNA: What track sticks out the most to you from this project & why? 

THANDII: Honey is a personal favourite. It’s so often the case when your an artist to look for fulfillment in the final stage of your work but that song just flowed out in a really organic way. The process was really special.

LUNA: Did you find yourself writing about a common theme for this EP?

THANDII: Melodrama, the darker side of romance and love, are the constellations we hung out in during the writing.

LUNA: Were there any artists in particular that played a role in shaping the sound of ‘Serious Town’? 

THANDII: So many artists, so much music. Check out our Spotify playlist ‘Thandii Roulette’ if you want a quick summation.

LUNA: What do you want people to take away from this EP?

THANDII: Maybe a sense of what’s to come - we’re very much exploring what we’re capable of musically and lyrically at the moment. We’re already back in the studio and are excited about how things are shaping up. We just hope people wanna come along for the ride with us.










Spotlight: ESTYLE


Q&A: Brian Chinn