Q&A: SOFY Shares a Look Into Her Mind With ‘Bored in Colour (Pt. 2)’


☆ BY frankie tameron


DURING 2020, WE SAW A RISE OF MUSICIANS WHO — found time to perfect their craft. Across the pond, SOFY is no different. When the pandemic hit, she was furloughed and subsequently had an epiphany about what she was going to do for the rest of her life. Now, the UK–based artist is taking the island by storm.

In just under two years, the 24-year-old has delivered two EPs that showcase who she is. SOFY shared that her work is all about “not overthinking things and going with the flow,” doing things that feel right. Reminiscent of early Lily Allen and Kate Nash, SOFY is as relatable as they come. She’s created a collection of work that allows us into her mind. With tracks such as “Big Talk,” SOFY captures the feeling of the online crush that we all know — the one we talk to once and never again. 

Read below to find out more about SOFY as she tells us about her inspirations, what she’s listening to lately, and what she hopes to manifest now that spring is here.

LUNA: Tell me about you, SOFY. I’ve read that you’re relatively new to the music scene, but I love everything I’m hearing. How did you get where you are today?

SOFY: Thank you! I started making music in lockdown when I got furloughed from my job, and [I] immediately had a full-on epiphany that this is what I’m gonna be doing for the rest of my life. I’m not really sure how I’ve ended up here (wherever here is) — I guess it’s a combination of being in the right place in the right time, having a great team around me, amazing grassroots support from BBC introducing (big up), and a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears (laughs). I definitely feel like I’m at the very beginning of my career still, though — I’m nowhere close to where I want to be. We have big plans!

LUNA: I’ve just listened to Bored in Colour (Pt. 2), and it reminds me of Kate Nash and Lily Allen’s debut albums. Who are your musical inspirations for the new EP?

SOFY: Thank you, that’s a compliment — I’ll definitely take that! I love Lily, she’s such a great lyricist and one that I’m definitely inspired by. I love just being a bit silly and cutting with lyrics and I think she does that so well. My other inspirations for this EP are Jamie T, TV Girl, Blur, Easy Life, and maybe The 1975 as well. L-plates definitely leans a bit more into that sort of lane. 

LUNA: What was your intention with making Part 2? 

SOFY: I wrote Part 1 and Part 2 all over the same period of time, so I feel like they encompass the same feeling for me. I wanted to make a two part EP from the offset as the first introduction to SOFY because once I started writing songs for the first time last year, it opened up a whole new world for me and I found I had quite a lot to say (shock). I’m always thinking about a million things at once but have never really been one to write them down until I discovered songwriting, so the whole Bored in Colour project definitely feels like a first diary entry, in a way — a window into the weird running social commentary that’s on my mind 24/7, and a collection of my thoughts and experiences so far.

LUNA: How does Part 2 differ from Part 1?

SOFY: Although the overall concept remains consistent with Part 1, Part 2 definitely feels like an evolution of my sound, meshing upbeat indie and Britpop with the wonky alt-pop and hip-hop influences of the first EP. There’s even a stripped-back, heart-on-your-sleeve sad song in there. It’s kind of an eclectic mix, but SOFY’s world is all about trusting your instincts, not overthinking things, and going with the flow, so it feels right.

LUNA: What are you hoping people take away from these two EPs?

SOFY: These two EPs are the introduction to SOFY’s world, and I feel like they really capture a moment in time for me and a window into the social commentary that runs through my mind all the time. There’s a song for every mood and every feeling in there — the upbeat party-starters, chill bops, love songs, anti-love songs, cry-in-the-car songs… so I really hope that people can find a piece of themselves in there somewhere. I love seeing people’s reactions to them at shows because every song means something different to every person and it’s so so cool to see.

LUNA: What are you listening to lately?

SOFY: I’ve got back into TV Girl recently in a big, big way. As soon as there’s a sniff of summer I just immediately want to listen to that project. I’m also really into Aussie garage rock (laughs) — I’d actually love to have a side project doing that kind of thing in a band at some point later down the line. [But] I live in London so that might be a bit difficult (laughs).

LUNA: Spring is here — let’s plant some seeds. What is next for SOFY (both metaphorically and literally)?

SOFY: What is next! That would be telling — I’m sitting on about two albums worth of tracks right now that are bigger and bolder than everything you’ve heard before. Whether you’ll hear them all I’m not sure yet, but one thing you can definitely expect is music, music, and more music. And I think it’s about time we did a regional tour, don’t you think? But that would be telling!





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