Q&A: RIVER Flourishes with new single "We'll Be Together" Featuring Lute




WITH A DISTINCT SULTRY VOICE LIKE NO OTHER - Stockholm based artist RIVER releases her latest single, “We’ll Be Together” ft. Lute. The single is flourished with wondrous piano melodies and lustful lyrics that speak of longing desire to be with that specific person that keeps running around in your head. RIVER’s timeless vocals enhance the track, bringing forth power in her soulful range and butterlike falsetto that enchants the listener. With her one-of-a-kind style which she projects not only in her music but also in her lifestyle, RIVER is a badass woman who shows her assertiveness in her music which feels very empowering. 

The song itself speaks of a dysfunctional relationship, however, these two people need each other like the air they breathe. This much-anticipated track is her third single, and it came about through RIVER and her producer listening to “Sunshine and Promises” by The Finishing Touch. However, RIVER most certainly added her own flair and swagger to the track. There is so much passion in this song that can be seen with the production value of the record itself; how intense the piano chords feel and the kick of the drums.

Keep reading to find out more about RIVER, her experience working with rapper Lute, how she developed her amazing style and sound, as well as her adventurous spirit! Make sure to check out her single “We’ll Be Together” ft. Lute and stay tuned for her upcoming debut EP this summer.

LUNA: Thank you so much for your time! How has life been treating you, how is everything?

RIVER: I’m really good. In bed drinking my morning coffee, the best time of the day.

LUNA: Tell us all about your exciting new release, “We’ll Be Together”. How are you feeling now that it’s out into the world?

RIVER: God, finally! It’s been requiring a lot of work and patience to get this song ready for release. It feels amazing to just let it free into the world and see where it goes from here.

LUNA: What was it like working with Lute? How did it come about?

RIVER: I love Lute. I reached out to him as I was looking for a rapper for “We’ll Be Together” and he and his team loved the track. When he got back with his verse on, I was so happy. He took the song to a whole new level and I’m really glad he wanted to be a part of it.

LUNA: What came first while working on “We’ll Be Together” the lyrics, Lute’s feature, or the idea?

RIVER: My producer and I were listening to old records and found this sample from “Sunshine and Promises” by The Finishing Touch. We actually had the song with my vocals all ready for master when I started feeling like something was missing. I wanted the track to tap into the world of hip-hop so I reached out to Lute.

LUNA: So you’re originally from Stockholm, but you’ve led a pretty nomadic lifestyle. What's a particular place you’ve visited that has left an impression on you?

RIVER: Mexico left a huge mark within me and will always feel like a second home that I want to return to. People there were so welcoming and warm in a way I never experienced before. That’s the place where my music found room to really grow.  I was going there to participate in a musical, thinking I would stay for 2 months but ended up starting a band performing in bars and festivals for over 2 years. 

LUNA: Your voice showcases some influences from classical vocalists, but your style and sound is so modern and refreshing, how important is it for you to stand out in the music industry?

RIVER: I just wanna do my thing. I always had a strong sense of what I like and I don’t get too caught up in what others do or think that I should do. My life as an artist is all about being free to create in whatever way I feel like in the moment and that can shift any time. There’s nothing I appreciate more than artists that make something different, fresh. But good music is always good music, whether it’s standing out or not, it’s just hard to come by.

LUNA: When you’re not writing songs or producing music, what other activities get your juices flowing, inspiring you to create?

RIVER: It all depends on the day, the season of the year, and the physical or mental place I’m finding myself in at the moment. I love getting deep in conversations with people who interest me. I love to dance, being creative with my hands, playing with makeup and hair, and I guess some days I just need to hit a sex club or have my heartbroken to get inspired.

LUNA: How would you describe your sound, sonically, to someone who has never heard your music before?

RIVER: If Dusty Springfield, Megan Thee Stallion, Lana Del Ray, and Minnie Riperton had cocktails during the making of something new in 2022, that could turn out to be my sound.

LUNA: What up and coming projects are you most excited about? We hear there’s a debut EP in the works!

RIVER: Yeah, my EP will be released this summer and I already started working on the tracks for my next project. I'm mostly excited to keep working on my stuff and keep writing better songs. I will start playing live and go back to London to write with some of my favorite producers and writers. Also excited about starting to shoot my next music video that is coming up! Stay tuned babes!





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Gallery: Meltt & Babe Corner in Vancouver