Review: The Greeting Committee at Bottom Lounge


☆ BY Margi Mosbeck-Morrison


THE FOUR-PIECE INDIE ROCK BAND THE GREETING COMMITTEE took their summer North American headline tour to the windy city last week. Fans taking refuge from the heat in the bar and restaurant of Bottom Lounge sparked the buzz of the night. Eager chatter of the night to come consumed the space over dinner, drinks, and pinball. 

The New York based indie-rock duo TOLEDO started off the night amplifying the buzz in the room. Their witty on-stage banter between their groovy basslines and trackpad filled the room with dancing and laughter. Ending their set with their hit song ‘Sunday Funday’, the crowd was left in uplifted spirits and anticipation for the main act.

As The Greeting Committee walked on, the stage lit up with colorful lights and the room was electrified. Kicking off the set with ‘Tell Me I’m Wrong’ from their newest album “Everyone’s Gone And I Know I’m The Cause”, the crowd bounced to the beat of the song alongside lead singer Addie Sartino. Feeling the electricity of the crowd, she came down to the barricade to embrace and dance along with fans to ‘17’, a single from their first album “This Is It”. The crowd began to “sweat through the hard parts of July” during ‘Bird Hall’, as Sartino weaved through the crowd and moshed to sing the last chorus. The rest of the set was filled with fan favorites, such as ‘Pull it Together’ and ‘Hands Down’ where bassist and saxophonist Pierce Turcotte made his way down to fans with a tambourine. Singles from their newest project, such as ‘How It Goes’ and ‘Cyclical’, made the cut too as the crowd sang along proudly. The night ended with unparalleled joy plastered on everyone’s faces as the stuffiness in the venue began to clear out with the crowd.





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