Q&A: Rachel Bochner Revels in the Chaos on New Single “Here For The Drama”


☆ BY Kristian Gonzales

Photos by Carina Allen


MAKING THE BEST OUT OF ANY SITUATION — Rachel Bochner smiles in defiance of personal struggles with her new single, “Here For the Drama.” An alt-pop anthem packed with crunchy guitar melodies, Bochner’s silky vocals complement the track’s spunkiness, as she embraces the chaos of her life’s messiness. Echoing the song’s brazen nature with lines such as “I’m here for the he said and she said and who saw you naked / Makeouts and breakdowns and blood on the pavement,” she flaunts an IDGAF attitude without regrets.

“I wrote it as a reminder that when life gets messy, sometimes it can be more fun to lean in, embrace it, and enjoy the show,” Bochner said about the track. “From questionable decisions like texts we wish we could unsend or the round of tequila shots that nobody needed, it’s a song that celebrates being young and stupid.”

Starting out in the music industry as an A&R intern in 2018, the New York–based singer made the bold transition into the forefront as a solo artist by 2020 with her debut EP, 2 AM, upon channeling her emotional outlet through songwriting. Supported by her musical influences of Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, and Maggie Rogers, Bochner concocted a fiery indie-pop sound that accepts vulnerability, from mental health to heartbreak with undertones of grit and humor. Since her emergence, Bochner has strengthened her pride through therapeutic tracks such as “Ghosted my Therapist,” “Hating Myself in the Summer,” and “Night In Jail.” With her recent singles, “Sucker Punch” and “If I’m Gunna Be Sad (I Might As Well Look Hot Doing It,” she’s preparing for an upcoming EP that rises from turmoil with a beaming attitude.

Linking up with Luna, Bochner dives into the vision behind the track, the importance of keeping her emotional spirits high, and a sneak peek into new music. Continue reading below and settle in with Bochner as she continues to make waves.

LUNA: First off, I love the message of “Here For the Drama”! What’s so great about it is the idea of taking the embarrassing or tough moments in life to the chin and still keeping your head high. How relieving does it feel to have assertiveness as an artist and as a young adult when you finally settle into this mindset?

BOCHNER: I haven’t fully mastered it yet, but it’s literally so liberating when you realize that you’re in control of how other people’s perception of you makes you feel. Especially as an artist in the current climate — we do a lot of screaming into the void, so doing my best to embody that “shoulders back, chin up” mindset helps take some pressure off. I really try to remind myself that it’s almost never that serious, and that most people are too preoccupied with their own shit to be worrying about my mistakes or missteps or cringe TikToks. Life is short and unpredictable, so I’m just trying to have a good, meaningful time while I can.

LUNA: What was the process in bringing this song to life as a follow-up to your previous singles, “If I’m Gunna Be Sad” and “Sucker Punch”?

BOCHNER: “Here For The Drama'' feels like the introduction or theme song to the EP. When the project comes out, you’ll see it comes first in the order. That said, “Sucker Punch” felt fitting to be the first single because it was the song that made the project click for me. I had all these demos I was holding onto, but once “Sucker Punch” was born I knew which songs belonged on this EP and which didn’t. “If I’m Gunna Be Sad” then felt like the perfect follow-up to that song because it’s this moment of self-awareness that points out the sarcasm of the whole “it’s not me, it’s you” concept. Cue “Here For The Drama” — it’s basically a confession that even though I know it’s a little messy, I’m here for the chaos and the ups and downs of this stage of my life. 

LUNA: In some ways, I see this as a spiritual successor of sorts to your 2021 single “Ghosted My Therapist,” especially when it comes to dealing with personal demons with a sense of humor. How important is this approach to you, especially when you have fans who relate to your music?

BOCHNER: I love that! “Here For The Drama” is like the unhinged older sister to “Ghosted My Therapist” that doubles down on being a bit of a chaotic mess… I’m obsessed. Something I learned from the “Ghosted My Therapist” release is that I am really not alone in coping with the tough shit life throws at me through humor. One of my favorite parts of releasing music is watching how people connect with it — it just feels really special to have these little songs that feel so specific to my life and personal to me still resonate with people in different, unique ways. 

LUNA: Sticking to the track’s core message, what are some messy situations you’ve found yourself in that feel like blessings in disguise in retrospect?

BOCHNER: Yeesh… many that I probably shouldn't share on the record. Honestly, I feel like the universe always has my back in terms of showing me when a situation isn’t right. Like, the craziest coincidences will happen, or I’ll stumble upon key information or something that forces the true colors of a situation or person to come out before I’m too deep into it. Especially as a woman in this industry, there are lots of people who won’t necessarily have your best interest in mind. It can be dicey learning how to remove yourself from a toxic working relationship before it gets out of hand because you don’t want to burn bridges or there’s a power dynamic involved. Learning how to stick up for myself has been… a process… but I feel so much more empowered now than I did a few years ago. It only took being burned a few times for me to be like, “Um, I don’t need to take that shit from anyone.”

LUNA: During the start of your path into the music industry, were there any times when you felt like things were getting too chaotic but now you're thinking, “Wait a minute, why was that even a big deal?”

BOCHNER: Everything was the end of the world when I was just starting out, but I think that’s because I hadn’t fully come into myself as an artist. Before I started to really trust my creative abilities and instincts, every “no” or slight felt like a massive blow. I’ve thankfully gotten to a point where I love what I make and believe in it fully, but I’ve also made peace with the fact that music is so subjective, and not everyone is going to be obsessed with what I make and do. 

LUNA: Reflecting on this single, do you think about how far you’ve come since your breakthrough and how prepared you are for your future in music?

BOCHNER: It’s so hard to really appreciate the progress you’ve made when you’re living in it, but when I’m able to step back and really look at where I was three years ago versus where I am now, it’s pretty crazy. I still have so much that I want to accomplish and a ways to go, obviously, but it’s nice to take a moment to pat myself on the back. I’d like to think I’m prepared for whatever the future throws at me. I’m very much a figure-it-out kind of girl, so I’m pretty confident that whatever opportunity comes up, I’ll make it work and take full advantage of it. 

LUNA: In one sentence, what’s the biggest teaser you want to give your audience as they stay hungry for a new project?

BOCHNER: Two words: feminine rage.

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