Q&A: PAYDAY Talks Cartoon Inspirations, Growing Up & New Single “White Mercedes”


☆ BY Peggy Chen


GROWING UP IS BEAUTIFUL BUT NOT AS MUCH AS IT IS SAD — a sentiment that is frequently echoed in PAYDAY’s music. The Seattle-born rapper/singer released a new single, “Shadow Puppets” on Sept. 30 as part of her upcoming EP, Trip to Venus

In recent years, PAYDAY has established herself as both a rising star and a future trendsetter. In addition to playing alongside pop singer Lauv in his 2022 All 4 Nothing tour and having her song “Big Boy” used in an iPhone 14 ad for Apple, her new single, “White Mercedes,” shows just how versatile her music is.

PAYDAY’s work has a little something for everyone — whether it’s fast-paced rap or slower, more nostalgic tunes. And she’s taken inspiration from unlikely places for this sound: “Many influences of mine include movies, cartoons, and even video games,” she says. But “White Mercedes” hits closer to home. “I really felt myself (and my life in general) growing and changing, and I just desperately wanted to live in those memories.” 

Keep reading below to take a look into the rising star’s inspirations, the story behind “White Mercedes,” and what’s in store for PAYDAY’s future. 

LUNA: How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it? 

PAYDAY: I’m not sure how I’d describe it, honestly. It depends on which one of my songs they are listening to because they are all so different. Maybe “loud” (laughs). You could listen to five PAYDAY songs in a row and all five of them could sound totally different — I love that. 

LUNA: What is your process for making music? Does inspiration come suddenly or over time? 

PAYDAY: My process for making music is always different depending on how I get inspiration for the song. Inspiration can come from anywhere — I could watch a movie or read something that inspires me and decide to make a song from that, or the idea could randomly come to me mid-session, it just depends. I draw a lot of inspiration from pop culture stuff [because] it resonates with people — cartoons, movies, and all that stuff.     

LUNA: Any influences, musical or otherwise?     

PAYDAY: Many influences of mine include movies, cartoons, and even video games. My favorite cartoons are the old Cartoon Network ones from my childhood like Courage The Cowardly Dog and Billy and Mandy. I have a song called “Molang,” which is literally a cartoon show, and the song depicts one of my friendships [between] the main characters of the show, Molang and Piu Piu. 

LUNA: I loved “White Mercedes”! I think the song can be interpreted in so many ways, but what is the original meaning behind it?

PAYDAY: I wrote “White Mercedes” when I first moved to LA and was really missing my friends, as I [then] didn’t have any and could barely make any because COVID had just hit. The song reminisces of all the fun, reckless things I used to do before I felt so isolated. I really felt myself (and my life in general) growing and changing, and I just desperately wanted to live in those memories. It’s beautiful growing up but not as much as it is sad.   

LUNA: What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music? 

PAYDAY: I don’t really care if people love me or hate me, I just want them to feel something when they hear my music. Whether it’s a great feeling or an angry feeling or something in between, I just want to provoke emotion in people.

 LUNA: It’s interesting to see how artists’ discography can reflect the highs and lows of their lives. What part of your life does “White Mercedes” reflect? 

PAYDAY: “White Mercedes” reflects the era in my life when I absolutely, positively did not give a single shit about anything. I didn’t do shit in school, I cracked jokes at random people with my friends, I ate and drank like a pig, and traveled everywhere in my small town, either on a skateboard or in my friend's white Mercedes as she would recklessly speed around town. I wasn’t super happy with my home life so being out of the house was the best. I was always somewhere else. I was free. 

LUNA: If you could choose anyone, who would be your dream collaboration? 

PAYDAY: My dream collaboration would either be Charli XCX or Yung Lean. I don’t think Yung Lean would like me though and that’d hurt my feelings. I think I could get along with Charli [and] we’d be great and make a hit song. 

LUNA: Any future plans down the road? 

PAYDAY: I’m doing big boy shit with my clothing brand Paylien and [have] lots of new music to come, [including the] Trips to Venus EP. Expect to see me everywhere.





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Gallery: Julia Jacklin in Chicago