Q&A: Miynt and her Pschye - Speaking on the Creation of Debut Album 'Lonely Beach'




MIYNT WANTS TO TAKE YOU ON A TRIP - The Swedish artist melds together intoxicating beats with just the right amount of psychedelic sounds, creating unique sonic landscapes. Miynt makes it easy for listeners to feel a connection to her music by incorporating elements from her own life, psyche and surroundings. These elements manifest in specific moods that are communicated through the tracks.

Miynt’s debut album, Lonely Beach, emphasizes the different parts and explorations of the psyche. Stemming from live, organic instrumental recordings and a psychedelic vibe, Miynt is here to take every listener away for a bit. We got to chat with Miynt about her process and hopes for her latest creation. Get into the conversation below.

LUNA: Many of your songs have this groovy psychedelic element to them, are you inspired by other psych-rock artists or is it more of a vibe you like to portray in your own sound? 

MIYNT: I think that it is both, for the last couple of years I definitely have been listening quite a bit to Psych-rock, and of course that makes something with my expression. But I think that the biggest reason is that I really like great melodies that get distorted somehow. Like the dissonance between beauty and dissonance. That’s what I’m aiming for in songs and what I think is interesting in life in general.

LUNA: I saw that you’ve begun diving into the world of analog production. What is it that draws you to create music in a more retro or organic fashion?

MIYNT: I have not recorded it on tape, but I’ve been recording all instruments live, let’s just call it a midi-free record. I just really love when the instruments and musical performance feels real and organic.

LUNA: Producing an album is no easy feat, did you find yourself creating rituals or certain processes to get you into the zone when producing this record? 

MIYNT: I co-produced it with my friend Karl Hovmark and two songs with my friend Theodor Arvidsson Kylin and then 2 songs by myself. I really enjoy working with others and that’s what I want to do in the future. 

LUNA: When I listen to your songs I get very clear visuals in my head, desserts, fabrics on clothesline billowing in the breeze and the like. Is there any imagery or aesthetic that you have in mind when creating your tracks or even your own brand as an artist?

MIYNT: I think I’m always in search of a distinct feeling when I write music, I want the music to take you somewhere, that’s the fun part of creating. Usually I need to get that feeling pretty early on in the song making, that it is a clear vibe or world if you want to call it that. And let the song lead the way into that mood.

LUNA: Now that you’ve toured your home area of Sweden, what other places are you looking forward to playing live?

MIYNT: I would really like to play in the US, I used to live in LA and that would mean a lot. I would also love to play in Brazil, I was there in March and I really loved it and would like a reason to go back.

LUNA: Although your album heavily leans towards a groovy and psychedelic vibe, there are also many elements of grunge that weave through it. Are these the types of genres you like to listen to or are inspired by? 

MIYNT: I’ve been listening to a lot of different genres, everything from grunge to pop and hip hop and I think that reflects in my songs. I like Nirvana and Lana del Rey equally.

LUNA: What do you hope your listeners take away from your latest project?

MIYNT: I hope that some people like it and that it generates more opportunities to play live and that I can record a studio album with my band in the near future.

LUNA: If you had to describe your newest album in one word, what would it be?


LUNA: The color blue seems to be a constant in the visuals of this album. From the music video for “of the sun” to the album art. Is there something about the color that speaks to you?

MIYNT: I love blue. Although the album cover is purple. I think blue is such a big and poetic color both visually and verbally, I always loved the ocean, maybe that has something to do with it.

LUNA: You’ve detailed that Lonely Beach is a metaphor for the different stages in your life. Is there something significant about beaches throughout your life that have shaped who you are now, or is it merely a really great metaphor for the summery vibes and ebbs and flows of this upcoming album?

MIYNT: I think it is mostly a metaphor for my psyche. Sometimes the beach looks like a Martin Parr photograph with crying babies and dysfunctional couples sunbathing with their dogs, and sometimes there is a really dope beach party and sometimes it is just freaking lonely and your only company is the never ending ocean.





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