Q&A: Mistine Explores Introspection and Reminiscence in New Single “Everett Park”


☆ BY Steph Dunlop


WHERE IS YOUR EVERETT PARK? — Mistine is reinventing her own past in her latest single, “Everett Park.” Dripping in nostalgic vulnerability, the track touches on reshaping your relationship with places stained with harsh memories by creating newer and better ones there.

Named after the real Everett Park in Los Angeles — where Mistine found herself both beginning and ending a relationship — the song invites us to experience her journey through heartbreak and healing. The track pairs an upbeat and energetic melody with luscious vocals, capturing the bittersweet happiness that accompanies moving on and letting go. 

Placing a contemporary spin on the classic rock genre, Mistine draws inspiration from pop rock icons like Avril Lavigne and Hannah Montana. Music-minded from a very young age, she always knew where her passions lay long before she became Mistine. Armed with her first guitar, she grew up alongside her music skills. Since then, Mistine has evolved exponentially into an artist who creates feel-good music that connects her with her fans. 

Returning from a two-year tour with Conan Gray, Mistine is now focused on dropping her latest single, an accompanying music video, and a five-track EP all before the end of the summer. The music video, out March 31, offers a more intimate and visual exploration of Mistine’s reclaiming of Everett Park.

Read on to learn more about the personal story behind “Everett Park” and how Mistine creates her music. 

LUNA: Congrats on your new song! “Everett Park” is about reclaiming a place stained with bad memories by creating new ones there. What positive memories have you built in the real Everett Park? What does it mean to you now? 

MISTINE: Thank you so much! I threw a picnic! I made a silly flyer with a picture of my dogs on it, invited all my friends, and called it “a picnic for no reason.” We sat on old blankets during sunset, ate cookies, took pictures, played with my friend Sabine’s dog, Maui, and looked at all the beautiful city lights in downtown LA. Writing this song sparked the reimagination of my entire artist project. “Everett Park” is the first single because it helped me find my new sound … and was the starting point for the entire EP. Now I love going to the park. Not only is it a beautiful park, but this location made me want to write songs again. So, thanks Everett Park! Glad we met! 

LUNA: If an artist were to paint “Everett Park” — the song, of course — what do you imagine that would look like? What colors would you choose? 

MISTINE:I would choose pink and green. Lots of flowers — as if someone threw a bunch of flowers on the grass, stepped on them, splattered paint on them, and then took a picture of it. 

LUNA: You’re releasing a music video to accompany “Everett Park.” What was the creative process behind making this?

MISTINE: My goal for the music video was for it to feel personal, yet grand. I wanted to explore the memories of a relationship that went sour and show how the main character gained her confidence back afterwards. Honestly, there wasn’t too much planning; I really didn’t know what I was doing, but I’m very happy with how it turned out. I’m lucky enough to have amazing friends who were willing to get up early and spend a day with me at the park.  

LUNA: How do you envision people listening to “Everett Park”? What part of their daily lives do you hope they soundtrack with this song? 

MISTINE: I imagine the listener getting in their car at sunset, rolling the windows down, and screaming this song with their hair flowing in the breeze — bonus points if they are driving to pick up their friends or get ice cream. I mainly hope that people use this song to inspire them[selves] to keep going at any point in the day. Life gets so hard sometimes, and I want everyone to remember that, even though we don’t always feel confident or excited about life, it is always worth it to keep going.

LUNA: What are your earliest memories of music? Do you feel they have an influence on how you currently create your music?  

MISTINE: In third grade, I went to see Piglet’s Big Movie. After the credits, they played a music video where Carly Simon was playing guitar in a beautiful field and the animals were dancing around her. This was the moment that I asked my mom for a guitar. Soon after beginning lessons, I joined rock bands and fell in love with rock music. Aerosmith was my true love and still my all-time favorite band. These small moments definitely influence how I make music today. I feel most inspired in nature and safest with my animals. I love writing outside with a notebook and acoustic guitar. I thrive on the connections between others. And, of course, the angst of rock guitars always finds a way to creep into my writing. I love music with an edge. 

LUNA: You’ve spoken before about dealing with the music industry as a female artist and, since its Women’s History Month, what has been your biggest challenge as a woman in the music industry? What advice would you share with aspiring female artists looking to embark on the music industry? 

MISTINE: Sometimes I feel the need to prove myself, but I’ve learned that the only person that needs to believe in me is me. So, if you believe in yourself and your art, you’re doing great. Don’t let anyone make you feel differently. You’re amazing. Keep going! 

LUNA: You toured with Conan Gray for two years. What was that experience like for you? 

MISTINE: I made some really amazing friends, met really cool people, traveled to so many new places, learned a ton about music and performing, and fell in love with touring. There’s nothing more amazing than sharing music with strangers and feeling the connection you create with them through music. I hope I am lucky enough to tour forever. 

LUNA: What’s your favorite song to perform live? 

MISTINE: I haven’t actually been able to play any shows live with these songs, but I am most excited to perform “Everett Park”! There will be lots of spinning and dancing. I am hoping to play some shows soon!

LUNA: How would you personally define the vibe of your music? 

MISTINE: Feel-good, chill, modern yet vintage, personal yet nostalgic, ethereal, energetic, best played at full volume while driving down the highway screaming the lyrics into the wind with your best friends in the backseat.





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