Q&A: Echoes of Reverie, The LaVo Odyssey




LaVo, a multi-instrumentalist hailing from Atlanta, GA, and now rooted in Venice, CA, embodies a musical metamorphosis. Transitioning from a professional drummer to a fervent songwriter and producer in 2020, LaVo's journey unveils a sonic evolution marked by introspection and exploration. Influenced by luminaries like Beach House, O’Brother, Kings of Leon, and Last Shadow Puppets, LaVo's sound navigates realms of depth and exuberance. Tracks like "10 a.m." and "Roller" exemplify his artistry, woven with personal narratives and dreamlike undertones.

Collaborating closely with Andy Marshall Co., LaVo envisions a future of touring, collaborations with icons like Alex Turner, and crafting albums that resonate deeply with audiences.

LUNA: Introduce yourself: who is LaVo? How and when was the project born?

LAVO: How’s it going, I’m a multi-instrumentalist originally from Atlanta, GA. Now living in Venice, CA. LaVo was born after years of my career as a professional drummer, I still do it. But fell in love with songwriting and music production in 2020. - 

LUNA: How has your music changed in the past few years?

LAVO: Only been a few but, wow what a difference even a year makes. I feel like a completely different artist from my first release. Feels like a fever dream, and I’m sure I’ll feel that way again in a year. 

LUNA: Who inspired your music? Who are your biggest influences?

LAVO: I feel decently well-read, but some that come to mind would be Beach House, O’Brother, Kings of Leon, and Last Shadow Puppets. 

LUNA: Could you introduce your favorite singles you've released so far?

LAVO: “10 a.m.” is definitely my favorite, Although ‘Roller’ definitely has a piece of my heart to this day. Some of the most in-depth and the most fun I’ve ever had with a song. These next few singles are what I’m really excited about. 

LUNA: How did you develop this style? Will you experiment with other genres in the future?

LAVO: I’m not really sure how I developed it, Just kind of flowed that way, I am constantly exploring new sounds and vibes. That is my favorite thing about creation. 

LUNA: Let's talk about "10am:" what inspired it and how did it come to life?

LAVO: It’s a very personal song to me. We had just finished tracking on that night in particular - around 3 am as was usual during the recording process for this EP - and somehow the topic of dreams came up. I remember describing how I’d dreamt of being a father and living in a whole different city in a different house with a wife and kids. I sort of joked that I was probably a father in a past life…for some reason that really ended up resonating with me and that idea permeated into what you hear now.

LUNA: Who produces your tracks? How do you choose which producers to work with? Do you have some dream producers you'd like to work with?

LAVO: My best bud and confidant Andy Marshall Co. produces and mixes everything I do. I’d love to work with some different artists, but as for now, I can’t imagine working with anyone else. 

LUNA: Is music your main occupation at the moment? If not, how are you reconciling your day job with your music career?

LAVO: Of course not, I live in LA haha. It’s a hard balance but going to sessions after work or when I’m off always inspires me to keep going. 

LUNA: Have you ever been on tour? If not, would you like to embark on one? If yes, tell us about it.

LAVO: Not as an artist as of yet but that is in the works… I’ve toured as a drummer and I cannot wait to tour my project. Few things sound more exciting at the moment. 

LUNA: Who's your dream feature?

LAVO: Alex Turner is for sure #1. But Lana Del Rey, Beach House, and Men I Trust would be insane as well. 

LUNA: Where do you see yourself in one year as a musician?

LAVO: With a record or two out, touring, and building a loving family around my music. 

Connect with LAVO




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