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TAPPING INTO AN ARRAY OF CREATIVE FIELDS - Lala Lala is doing it all with joy. Lillie West, the artist behind Lala Lala recognizes her growth as an individual and through her, and plans to keep exploring. Releasing music since 2016, each project provides a genuine sound and and even more raw message. West draws on a variety of elements to bring out her creativity, from poetry to film photography - each serving as a new adventure. Read below to learn more about her creative process lately, her influences and view her 35mm photos West has kindly share with us.

LUNA: In what ways has your creative process evolved over your career? 

WEST: To be totally honest, I think something fundamental changes when you become aware that most likely people will hear the music you're making. In some ways its good, I'm more intentional in the way I write, but it other ways it really stifles something raw. I try not to worry about it too much. Otherwise -  I think the longer I make things the more curious I am in all the different ways something can be made and how it can be developed, whereas I used sort of just accept something I made the way it first came out. 

LUNA: You’ve spoken a lot about the power sobriety has played in your career. What advice do you have for those who are struggling but haven’t made that commitment yet? 

WEST: Firstly, its never too late. Theres no place too far or too dark that you can't come back from. Secondly, whatever you think you might lose from becoming sober, its not worth it. If you think you you'll be happier and healthier sober, theres a 99.9% chance you're right. 

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LUNA: Are there any sonic elements you haven’t explored yet you’d like to incorporate into your next project?  

WEST: So many? But I don't want to force it. I'm trying to follow my heart and my instinct and not aim for something super specific. But the idea is that the sonic elements are always changing and developing.  

35mm Photos By West

35mm Photos By West

LUNA: Outside of musical inspirations, are there any elements or people that have shaped you as an artist?

WEST: I read a lot and get a lot of lyrical inspiration from books and poems. I mostly read fiction. My favorite poem is called The Problem of Water by Emily Toder. Also movies... I think both of them are art forms that I really don't know how to do myself, I never think of ideas in those realms so its especially exciting and interesting to see people express themselves / tell stories in those ways. 

LUNA: You also are into 35mm photography - that’s awesome! Can you talk a little bit about how you got into that and why you’re drawn to film over digital?

WEST: I went to art camp in 8th grade and did 35mm photography there. It's just a fun and very intentional process, obviously in contrast to most things nowadays. I don't take myself very seriously with it, its definitely a hobby for me but I really enjoy it. In my opinion it looks a lot better than digital :P

35mm Photos By West

35mm Photos By West

LUNA: Are there any other mediums you’d like to explore?

WEST:  I've always wanted to dance. And I love ceramics and would like to get more in to it. Also sports. Life is so long (hopefully) I think I'll get a chance at it all. 

35mm Photos By West

35mm Photos By West

LUNA: Broad question so take it how you will - what do you hope 2020 will bring you? 

WEST: Bernie Sanders for president.




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Q&A: flipturn


Gallery: Madeleine Mayi Release Show