Q&A: Isabel Mirri’s Latest Single “Least Favorite Flowers” Blossoms With Emotion and Craftsmanship




ACCOMPLISHED SONGWRITER — Isabel Mirri, whose influences range from Joni Mitchell to Lauren Spencer Smith and Sara Bareilles, continues to carve out her unique space in the music world. Her latest single, "Least Favorite Flowers," is a testament to her growing prowess and distinct style.

Mirri belongs to a new generation of talented young artists who are determined to follow in the footsteps of icons such as Adele and Taylor Swift. Mirri’s captivating melodies and thoughtful lyrics have quickly made her a formidable presence in the music industry. "Least Favorite Flowers" stands out as a passionate and emotional piece, showcasing her exceptional vocal abilities and her knack for blending indie-pop sounds to create an immersive auditory experience. The song’s production, featuring stirring vocals complemented by piano and drums, is both enchanting and evocative. The spontaneous creation of "Least Favorite Flowers," with its melody and lyrics coming to Mirri seemingly out of nowhere, lends the track an authentic and raw emotionality.

The song perfectly captures a mood that Mirri describes as both melancholy and fierce, resonating deeply with listeners. As Mirri prepares for what promises to be her most significant year yet, her discography already speaks volumes about her talent and dedication. "Least Favorite Flowers" is a prime example of her ability to craft songs that are not only poignant but also rich in emotional depth. This single is poised to be one of the biggest hits of 2024, captivating fans with its exquisite production and heartfelt performance.

"Least Favorite Flowers” is both a personal expression and universal experience. Mirri’s ability to draw listeners into her world through music is a clear indicator of her potential for lasting impact in the industry. As fans eagerly await her next move, it is evident that Mirri is on a trajectory toward becoming a significant force in contemporary music.

Continue reading below to find out more about Mirri, her musical influences, the importance of songwriting and what upcoming projects she has in the works.

LUNA: Thank you for sitting down and talking with Luna. Our readers would love to get to know you and your music. For any who aren’t familiar yet, what inspires your artistic style and creative persona?
MIRRI: Songwriting to me is like journaling to others. Life inspires me to write — I create songs about everything, from being carefree to learning how to navigate through hardship. I think I started off by creating and performing what one would call “ditties” to close friends and family when I was younger. I also reserved a notebook for poetry writing. Eventually, the songs evolved with me. My background in classical and pop piano gave me the tools to create musical arrangements. I also think my love of reading has aided me as a lyricist.
LUNA: What inspired you to get into making music?
MIRRI: Like many, my exposure to other musicians inspired me to create. I grew up listening to the Dixie Chicks and Dolly Parton, as my mom would often blast country music on the car radio. I am constantly discovering new artists to love, but some consistent role models for me have
been Lady Gaga, Joni Mitchell, and Taylor Swift.
LUNA: You embrace comparisons to Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams, and Lauren Spencer Smith. How have they influenced your music and career?
MIRRI: A huge part of songwriting is being able to look at one subject from many different perspectives. I like to think of it as a topic being in the middle of a room, and as a writer, being able to create a variety of windows. Taylor Swift is talented at this and is able to create many different songs based on the same theme. I try to do this in my writing. At the same time, I strive to create songs with a variety of messages, emulating Gracie Abrams. Lauren Spencer Smith is very skilled at being concise in her songs, and she is able to use simple phrases to evoke intense emotion. For example, this can be seen in her most popular release “Fingers Crossed.” The verses tell the story of her relationship, and the common phrase and title of the song act as the axis at which the song revolves. I attempted to do something similar when writing my song “Just Keep on Walking.” A simple line was meant to capture what is unbearably complex: overcoming adversity.
LUNA: What kind of atmosphere or emotional space do you aim to create for your listeners?
MIRRI: I love listening to my favorite artists and feeling tied to them through their music. It’s comforting when they relate to my experiences. I aim to create a similar intimate atmosphere for my audience.
LUNA: You just released your latest single, “Least Favorite Flowers.” What is the inspiration behind the single?

MIRRI: Recycled affection in a relationship that I had thought was unique.
LUNA: What was your favorite part about creating the song?
MIRRI: I think I enjoyed the beginning of the process the most. When I first came up with the idea for the chorus while by the piano, I was overjoyed. It was only a fraction of the work to be done but that was what made it exciting. I knew this chorus would be built upon to form a track. The short snippet I wrote signified a journey ahead.
LUNA: Do you have any plans for visuals for “Least Favorite Flowers”?
MIRRI: I am thinking about creating a music video, but right now I am focused on the production of a new track.
LUNA: What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are hoping to follow in your footsteps?
MIRRI: Just keep writing. Not everyone is going to love the songs you put out there. For every piece of music that I’ve released, I have written thirty others. It’s difficult to share something so personal with the public, but it is important for musicians to recognize that being vulnerable and letting others relate to your vulnerability is a strength.
LUNA: How are you feeling in this current era of your career, and what does the rest of the year look like for you that you would love to share with Luna?
MIRRI: I’m feeling happy and incredibly grateful for the audience that I have built since last September. I am working on another track currently that I cannot wait to release. More singles will drop in the upcoming months.

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