Q&A: Isabel Dumaa is Crafting Harmony Through Life's Inspirations


Photographer & Creative Director: Breanna Lynn

BTS: Jade Moscoe


ISABEL DUMAA’S MUSICAL JOURNEY IS A TAPESTRY WOVEN from her life's influences and her journey of self-discovery. Raised in a household where music was a constant companion, she draws from a diverse range of artists, from Billie Holiday to Taylor Swift, shaping her unique sound. Her evolution as an artist is evident in her music's progression, settling into her identity and sound, as seen from her debut release "Call My Bluff."

Dumaa's creativity knows no schedule, often taking shape on her bed with a guitar in hand. Her music explores themes of self-discovery, coming of age, and the complexities of human connections. As an emerging artist navigating the dynamic music industry, she emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and trusting one's instincts.

Isabel Dumaa's journey continues as she diligently works on her first-ever EP, promising a musical experience that resonates with those who appreciate the beauty of melody intertwined with life's experiences. Read below to learn more about her musical journey and what’s next.

Store: @lagoon.ny

Dress: @dawangnewyork

White collar tank: @cal._.fish

Mesh top: @100prozentgeiler

Bows and chain bra: @shop_journal

Rings: @bleachysbrand

LUNA: How has the end of this summer treated ya? 

DUMAA: Honestly it’s been wonderful! I just got back from New York for a show which was just so much fun! It's been a crazy summer in LA as far as the weather with the hurricane and heat waves, but exciting. I can’t lie though, I’m really excited for fall to start! Summers been great but I’m ready for pumpkins, chunky sweaters and colder weather!

LUNA: Your music is often described as a fusion of various genres. Can you tell us about the musical influences that have shaped your unique sound?

DUMAA: I grew up in a house that always had music playing, and that definitely has had an impact on the music I make today. One of my moms loved artists like Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, Patsy Cline and the Beatles, and my other mom was more a fan of the Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor, Carole King, Fleetwood Mac world. Every single one of those artists or bands has made its way into my music in one way or another. I feel lucky to have been raised on such incredible music, and I think my love for music definitely stems from getting to experience such amazing music growing up. Aside from those, I also get a lot of inspirations from more current artists like Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers and Maggie Rogers. 

LUNA: How have you seen your music evolve since the release of “Call My Bluff”?

DUMAA: Music, like people, is ever-changing. I know I am a very different person now than I was when I wrote ”Call My Bluff”, but, at my core, I am still me. I feel I've settled much more into who I am as an artist, versus when I wrote “Call My Bluff” I was still searching for my sound. 

LUNA: Take us through your current creative process. 

DUMAA: A lot of my writing happens just sitting on my bed with my guitar in hand. I know it’s cliche but inspiration really can hit at the most random times, and I try my best to allow myself the space to create when I feel that rush of creativity. My creative process is a lot of just trying things until something sticks. If I ever feel stuck, I’ll just take a break, flip through some poetry, and listen to some artists who inspire me.

Dress: @bardot

Pants: @oliviaoblanc

Belt: vintage (stylists personal)

Heels: vintage Prada @luxantropy

Pearls: vintage (stylists personal)

Rings: @bleachysbrand

LUNA: Can you share some insights into any common themes or narratives you’ve been drawn to with new music? 

DUMAA: One theme I keep finding myself coming back to is the growing up, self discovery, coming of age narrative. Being 20, I feel I am at a really interesting part in my life when I’m still figuring out who I am as an adult, while also not quite wanting to let go of childhood. Also, writing a lot about situationships haha.

LUNA: As an emerging artist, what challenges and opportunities have you encountered in the music industry, and how do you navigate them?

DUMAA: With every challenge, there is an opportunity. For example, I’ve found it difficult essentially being my own boss and either not being able to stick to a schedule or diving so deep into work that I get burnt out. So with that challenge comes the opportunity to create better boundaries and self discipline with myself. Another challenge is there is no black and white in the music industry, there is no one path. A lot of times opportunities and decisions will get thrown at you and you just have to trust your gut and hope for the best. Learning to trust myself and just taking things one step at a time is a skill I am still developing, but is honestly the best way to navigate things.

LUNA: You have a strong presence on social media. How do platforms like Instagram and TikTok influence your music and your connection with your audience?

DUMAA: It is truly incredible that we will live in a world where I can post a snippet of my song, and just by pure chance someone halfway around the world can listen to it and engage. I honestly think that is one of the best parts of social media: the ability to connect with people and fans all over the world. As far as the influence it has on my music, it's a really cool tool because I am constantly finding new music, artists, and learning things; all of which are constantly helping me grow as an artist. There is the downside of that of course, when it can become too overwhelming and even distracting, so it's important to know when to put the phone down. 

LUNA: I love the overall aesthetic of all of your album artwork we’ve seen so far. What role do you tend to play in the visual side of your work? 

DUMAA: Thank you!! I really love all things visual and creating visuals to go along with music. I tend to play a prominent role in all my visual assets, whether it's making mood boards and ideas for the photoshoots, or mapping out shots for videos. With that said, I only know so much about that world and feel really blessed for all the amazing other artists I've worked with who have done such an incredible job of bringing my visual ideas to life.

LUNA: Many artists find inspiration in unexpected places. What are some of the most unusual or surprising sources of inspiration for your songs?

DUMAA: I’ll sometimes pull inspiration from a scene in a TV show, an overheard conversation just being out in the world, or even some small things such as seeing cursive written in a notebook. You never know when inspiration is gonna come at you, you just have to learn to be ready for it.

LUNA: What intentions do you have for the upcoming months? 

DUMAA: I am currently working on my first ever EP! It has been a long process and there is still a lot to do, but I am working really hard to get it done as soon as I can!

Connect with ISABEL DUMAA




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