Q&A: Inner Wave Unveils the Playful Magic of "Automatic" with Schoolgirl Byebye


INNER WAVE ARE BACK WITH “AUTOMATIC” - a captivating collaboration featuring Schoolgirl Byebye. Their latest single explores the theme of forbidden love with a playful twist, reflecting the camaraderie formed during Inner Wave's tour with Schoolgirl Byebye in China. The band shares notes how the collaboration represents an evolution in their sound, demonstrating the magic that happens when creative minds align.

With a music video on the horizon, Inner Wave discusses the visual concepts that complement the vibrant energy of the track.

Read below to learn about the creative process for the track and what 2024 has in store for the band.

LUNA: Can you share some insight into the creative process for “Automatic”?

INNER WAVE: It was a fun and quick process actually. Evan from SGBB sent over a couple demos he wanted us to listen to and I found this one demo that stood out to me. I took the first 45 seconds of the song and looped it and all these ideas started flooding in and voila the song was born. We pretty much sampled the demo he sent over. Very different process from what we are normally used to.

LUNA: What themes or messages are explored in the lyrics of "Automatic"? Is there a particular story or emotion you aimed to convey?

INNER WAVE: Essentially it’s a song about forbidden love. I think the track has a light playfulness to it and that to me mirrors the beginnings of a crush.

LUNA: How did the collaboration with Schoolgirl Byebye come about? What drew you to working together on this particular track?

INNER WAVE: We toured with SGBB in China in the summer of 2023. We had an experience of a lifetime and got close with them but even before that we had talked about wanted to collaborate on something. Then the right time came about. We actually performed it on the China run. That was fun.

LUNA: In what ways do you feel "Automatic" represents the evolution of Inner Wave's sound or musical style?

INNER WAVE: To me it shows the flexibility and versatility of our collaborations. It’s always nice to work with people who bring out the best in you. When there is chemistry there you chase it and try to make the most of it.

LUNA: Do you have a visual concept or imagery in mind that complements the track?

INNER WAVE: Funny that you ask that because we just finished working on a MV that I directed and our friend and collaborator Abraham Recio shot for the song. It’s playful just like the track and we shot most of it in one day. I can’t wait for people to see it.

LUNA: What do you hope listeners will take away from "Automatic,”?

INNER WAVE: I think if there’s anything at all to take away from it that’s good. We like it and we’re proud of it and all we can hope for is that it resonates with someone.

LUNA: Who are some of dream collaborations?

INNER WAVE: Björk, Kendrick Lamar, Lykke Li the list goes on and on.

LUNA: What’s on the radar for the upcoming months?

INNER WAVE: We’re in writing mode right now for our next full length and we have some side projects that will see the light of day soon. We also have a remix project in the works. I feel like we’re sitting on so much music and are itching to share it when it’s ready. It’s like we’re pregnant with quintuplets. We’re like Octomom right now.

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