Q&A: Humbird Rocks Out with Upcoming Album 'Right On'


Photos By Sophie Gragg


MINNESOTA-BASED SIRI UNDLIN, the creative force behind Humbird, is hitting the road in support of her electrifying new album, Right On, out April 12th. A departure from the contemplative folk stylings of her previous releases, Right On embraces a bolder, rock-oriented sound.

Drawing inspiration from years of relentless touring, Humbird explains how the energy of live performance fueled the shift towards a "grittier" sound. The interview delves into the conscious decision to open the album with the title track "Right On," setting the tone for a collection of songs that celebrate honesty and vulnerability, even in the face of discomfort. Fans familiar with Undlin's background in church choirs and traditional Irish ensembles will be curious to see if those influences find their way onto Right On.

Having honed her craft for nearly a decade, Humbird reflects on the journey that's brought her to this pivotal moment in her career. She shares her excitement about the upcoming tour, not just for the opportunity to connect with fans but also for the chance to continue exploring creative boundaries.

We caught up with Humbird to chat about the inspiration behind the album, the challenges and rewards of recording live to tape, and the exciting experiments fans can expect on the upcoming tour.

LUNA: How has tour been treating you?

HUMBIRD: Tour has been great so far.

LUNA: Congrats on your upcoming album! Right On feels like a bold, electric departure from your previous work. What inspired this shift in sound for the album?

HUMBIRD: It was really performing live and touring around the country that inspired the shift to a louder, grittier sound for this record. Plus, I realized it's just super fun to turn up the guitar amp. It's a slippery slope once you start.

LUNA: The title track sets a very different tone for the album compared to "Cornfields and Roadkill" or "Child of Violence." Was this a conscious decision, and how does it reflect the overall journey of Right On?

HUMBIRD: "Right On" as the title track, as well as the first track, was a very conscious decision. It is a bit of a different tone, but it also felt like this over-arching thematic statement of being honest even when it's uncomfortable, which I think is something the songs all share at their core.

LUNA: The album was recorded live to tape. How did this approach impact the overall sound and energy of the record?

HUMBIRD: Yes, that was hugely impactful in approach and overall feel I think. You have to be more confident in your delivery in the studio and also accept imperfections. I loved it. 

LUNA: You’ve previously mentioned your background in church choirs and traditional Irish ensembles. Do those influences come into play at all on ‘Right On,’ even with the more rock-oriented sound?

HUMBIRD: Oh, for sure. These influences may be less explicit than past releases, but they are part of everything I make just because I was so young and malleable as I was learning from those traditions of music.

LUNA: You’re currently on tour with Indigo De Souza before your own headlining dates. What excites you most about touring lately?

HUMBIRD: I've actually been touring for almost a decade now, which is wild. There have been plenty of highs and lows. I get most excited about continuing to do this as a livelihood - there are so many times when it felt impossible, and yet, here we are, still traveling and playing music and getting to be in all these landscapes and cities amongst old friends and new faces. It's so wild and weird and cool to see where music will lead you.

LUNA: Given the album's focus on embracing uncertainty and taking risks, are there any creative experiments you're hoping to try on the upcoming tour?

HUMBIRD: Ha, I love this question! Especially because I've been so focused lately on trying to find ways to make touring more sustainable and less harsh. My bandmates and I have been experimenting with improvised soundscapes around ancient Irish songs, which has led to some exciting experiments on stage. I have a feeling we'll keep exploring that. 

LUNA: Looking back at your career so far, from Pharmakon to Still Life and now Right On, how do you feel you've grown as a songwriter and performer?

HUMBIRD: I think that no matter your art form, you're hopefully growing as you age and accumulate life experience. I've grown as an artist in ways that are hard to capture with words, but that's part of why I keep writing music and recording! It's fun to reflect and explore the changes in my experience and observations through creative work and it's what propels this project forward. 

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Gallery: Steph Wall in Vancouver


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