Q&A: Hendrix Harris Explores Self-Discovery with 'Awakening'


HENDRIX HARRIS EMERGES AS A BEACON of raw authenticity with his latest project, Awakening. Delving deep into the labyrinth of his psyche, Harris weaves a narrative of self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual resurgence.

From introspective themes of self-doubt to moments of profound realization, the album's hypnotic melodies and heavy beats serve as conduits for catharsis and transformation. With Awakening, Harris marks a pivotal moment in his artistic evolution—a coming-of-age project that signals a departure from previous iterations of his sound. Rooted in self-reflection and anchored by a newfound faith in destiny, the album represents a bold step forward for the burgeoning musician.

Hendrix Harris invites listeners to join him on a transformative odyssey—a sonic testament to the power of self-discovery and the resilience of the human spirit. As the world immerses itself in the depths of his musical landscape, one thing remains certain: Hendrix Harris's journey has only just begun.

As spring unfolds, Harris remains steadfast in his commitment to growth and exploration. Navigating the complexities of grief and embracing life's ever-unfolding challenges, he stands poised on the threshold of new artistic frontiers, ready to chart the course ahead.

LUNA: Can you take us through the creative process behind your latest project, Awakening

HARRIS: Finding honesty in all shapes and forms. Soul searching, making sure each note, each word is true.

The process was intense, cathartic, and eye opening. But most of all rewarding.

LUNA: Your music often delves into introspective themes like self-reflection and personal growth. How has your own journey influenced the lyrical content and mood of Awakening’?

HARRIS: I felt creatively stuck when I started this project. I had been doing sessions with different artists/producers and the drive to write something personal, to use writing as a therapy was fading away. I needed to find the urge to create again, regardless of any potential reward, of superficial incentives.

As artists, I think we all experience moments of self doubt, and managing to channel this into your own creation is a luxury we should always be grateful for. That’s what I did with Awakening.

LUNA: The album is described as a sonic journey through your mind. Could you elaborate on the emotions and experiences you aimed to convey through the hypnotic melodies and heavy beats of this project?

HARRIS: The music speaks for itself. Whatever you’re feeling when you’re listening to my music is right. That’s why each time a song comes out, it ain’t mine anymore.

LUNA: In your liner notes, you mention learning to self-reflect, self-doubt, and self-teach. How has this process of self-discovery influenced your approach to songwriting and artistic expression?

HARRIS: The result of all this is a permanent need for honesty and truthful expression. With each project, Hendrix is more complete.

LUNA: The title "Awakening" suggests a transformative experience. Can you share any specific moments or realizations that inspired the creation of this album?

HARRIS: Reconnecting with my faith in my fate has been the cornerstone of this project. Power in acceptance.

LUNA: What message or takeaway do you hope listeners will receive from immersing themselves in the world of "Awakening"?

HARRIS: I hope each listener will have his own personal epiphany listening to my project. I hope everyone will feel energized, brave to a point of light recklessness.

LUNA: How do you see this project fitting into your artistic journey and evolution as a musician? What sets this project apart from your previous work?

HARRIS: This project is my coming of age project. I will never write the same after this.

LUNA: Looking ahead, what intentions do you have for this spring season?

HARRIS: Navigating grief and the new challenges life is throwing at me as they come.





Gallery: Bleachers in Chicago


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