Q&A: GROOVY Releases Sultry R&B Track “jersey luv” That Spins Into an Exciting Jersey Club Party




IMAGINE YOU’RE LISTENING TO A SMOOTH AND SENSUAL R&B TRACK — you hear the sultry and soulful vocals, the strong yet intoxicating backbeat that's then kissed with beautiful riffs, runs, and tantalizing rhythms. But suddenly it switches to a Jersey club beat. This fast and aggressive house-inspired hip-hop sound comes in with powerful kicks, chopped samples, and bouncy beats. If you don’t know what Jersey club music is, you’ve been missing out. Debuted in the early aughts and pioneered by DJ Tameil and other members of the Brick Bandits crew in Newark, NJ, Jersey club music draws inspiration from Baltimore’s club music, which was a blend of house and hip-hop. Jersey club has fast, up-tempo beats that incorporate rap and R&B tracks, and it’s sure to get any party started.

GROOVY, a 24-year-old rising artist hailing from New Jersey, makes music that is a unique yet harmonious blend of R&B, neo-pop, and house. Growing up, his father was a touring DJ, which introduced him to music genres such as Jersey club music, house, and R&B. His newest single, “jersey luv,” featuring B Jack$ (collaborator of Cash Cobain), pays tribute to that early 2000s Jersey club and R&B sound. The track starts as a slow, smooth R&B song that spins into that upbeat, fast pace tempo familiar to the sound of Jersey club. Accompanying the single is a music video that personifies the sound of the track itself.

Read below to get to know GROOVY and his unique approach to music.

LUNA: Hey GROOVY! How would you introduce yourself to a newer audience?

GROOVY: I would say I am an experimental R&B act with roots in dance and house music. My music is very dancey and very danceable. But overall, I'd say I'm an experimental R&B artist!

LUNA: Tell us the story behind “jersey luv.”

GROOVY: Being from Jersey, I obviously have an affinity for Jersey club music. I grew up with it from as early as I can remember. Around 11 years old [I remember] listening to Jersey club music. I never really had any actual intentions of making Jersey club music, but when I'm working with my producer he will often send me a bunch of beats that he has, and he had this loose beat that had this real Jersey drum pattern behind it. I was really vibing with it. I started singing melodies to it every day. When I finally got into the studio, we recorded a few lines and I just thought to myself, “You know, let's just take it all the way — let's speed it up!”  So that's what you hear me say in the song: “Ale speed it up” (laughs). So it became just this crazy Jersey drill crossover song that came to be.

LUNA: What was the most exciting part about filming the music video for “jersey luv”?

GROOVY: Honestly, for me, the most exciting part was the moment I walked in. I had my team start the music video early because I was working, so I knew I was going to be at least an hour late. When I got off work, I changed into my artist clothes at my work bathroom and I walked in, and there's just this huge production going on. I hadn't seen anything yet but when I walked in, there was a makeup team, there were models, all my guys had these big headphones on and they were talking to each other remotely. I was so blown away that my team and I put on a production. So that first moment, [those] first two minutes when I walked in, for me, were the most exciting. 

LUNA: Your dad was a touring DJ. Tell us more about how that influenced you as an artist.

GROOVY: I feel like art, especially music and even music as a career, is just familiar to me. I grew up seeing it and I grew up with some of the things that come with it. I grew up with my dad leaving at 12 a.m. to go somewhere. I grew up with him and all his homies coming back to the house and they're up until 2 a.m. blasting house music. I grew up with international friends coming and staying with us for a while because, you know, house music is very popular in Europe and things. So there'd be people coming over from London and staying with us, and I just grew up with that lifestyle. I'm familiar with it. And so I think it gave me a sense of comfort in doing this because I’m so familiar with it.

LUNA: How is “jersey luv” different from the other records you released?

GROOVY: With Jersey club, I really leaned into a niche, I would say. My first single that I put out in 2020, which is called “Come Around,” is just very pop-like and very digestible for everyone. You could play it on any radio station. The follow-up to that single “Platonic” is similarly very pop but there's a little more dance influence. Definitely could be played at a nightclub or something. But with this one, we just go all the way. We fully dive into experimenting with the Jersey club sound. I'm pushing my vocal range a little further on this song with all the runs that I'm doing. It's sexier — we took it a little further this time and we really pushed the sound.

LUNA: What or who inspires your artistry? (Music-wise, in life, etc.)

GROOVY: (Laughs) Can I give you two answers?

LUNA: Of course, go for it!

GROOVY: If I have to reference an artist, I would say that Michael Jackson is a huge inspiration for me. Obviously, me and Michael Jackson don't necessarily make the same type of music (laughs) but it’s the emotion that he conveyed through his vocal performance. And just like any interview you see of him, you can just see the passion that he has for the music he creates, which inspires me a lot. So I would say that he's probably my biggest influence. What inspires me in life, [is] romantic relationships that I've had, friendships that I've had, and the emotions that they convey. I feel like it's difficult to express them verbally. The sadness you feel when someone who you love doesn't love you back, the passion and gratitude and pleasure you feel when you finally find that connection with somebody, or even [something] as simple as just going out dancing. That freedom that you feel when you go out with your friends, all these things, I feel like I'm able to convey [them] better through sound and through my music rather than just telling it to somebody.

LUNA: Any hobbies outside of music?

GROOVY: Outside of music, I'm pretty boring (laughs). But I'm into clothes. I like to shop and I buy a lot of clothes. So I guess you can say I’m really into fashion. I'm also into Pokémon. I don't know, I’m kind of a nerd outside of music, honestly (laughs).

LUNA: (Laughs) Hey, I’m a fellow nerd myself — I’m really into anime and Webtoons! Naruto, D.Gray-man, and Soul Eater are my top three. What are your top three favorite anime?

GROOVY: I have to agree with you that Naruto is in my top three. Inuyasha, and I like Death Note a lot. I know it's one of the more pop culture ones but I love that one!

LUNA: Yes! Death Note is perfectly crafted! Hands down the best artwork. To add to the topic of enjoying hobbies, what brings you joy?

GROOVY: Let's say that people bring me joy. And I don't necessarily mean that I'm a people person because I'm not always. But when I have something that I like, sharing that experience with other people always makes it better for me. So I would say that other people bring me joy.

LUNA: Any plans for 2023?

GROOVY: Yeah, definitely! 2022 was kind of the groundwork. I really was figuring things out. I was working really hard, I was doing shows, and I was building demos. I'm in for 2023. I'm just ready to cash in on a lot of the foundation that I laid. I'm planning on dropping an EP this year, probably in the dance realm. I plan on doing way more shows and way more appearances. Maybe even trying to model a little bit and [I might] try working with some brands and things. I'm just trying to step into who I was building in 2022. So yeah, 2023 should be busy for me. 

LUNA: Wow, so you’ll be pretty busy this coming new year! I’m super excited for what you have planned. Question for fun: If you can go to see any artist (dead or alive) live in concert, who would it be?
GROOVY: It's a collaboration concert with Michael Jackson and Playboi Carti! Hands down they're my two favorite performers.





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