Q&A: Echo Huang’s Latest Track “Disco Ball” Focuses Its Lens Solely on the Present


☆ BY Steph Dunlop


EMBRACING THE CONSTANT EBB AND FLOW OF LIFE — “Disco Ball” encompasses Echo Huang’s world view: life will continue to flow — either you get swept under the current or learn how to swim in tandem with it. 

Inspired by the realization that the kitchen in her old apartment now provides the setting within which a new set of people can create good (and bad) memories, “Disco Ball” offers a sweet and gentle reminder that no moment is more important than the one you are experiencing now. This fresh, novel perspective is a journey with no perceivable end, a constant source of learning and growth. 

The track’s elegant ambience is born of jazz and bossa nova sounds, both a diversion from and a reminder of Huang’s previous projects. However, most pertinent is the artist's tender and sensual vocals that carry an air of kindness and comfort throughout the entirety of the song.

Keep reading below to dive further into Huang’s latest track, “Disco Ball,” the things that inspired it, and the things Huang hopes it inspires. 

LUNA: Congrats on “Disco Ball”! Can you tell us a bit about where the inspiration for the lyrics came from?

HUANG: I was moving apartments and it hit me right in the feels because I had grown pretty attached to my old place and the neighborhood. One night I was in an Uber and I saw my old building from afar with so many lights on, and that’s how [the] “kitchen lights” versus “disco ball” concept came to me. And then the lyrics really just came out naturally — it's kinda about how life keeps moving and how important it is to be present, you know?

LUNA: You encourage enjoying each of life’s moments as we experience them. What helped you learn to appreciate the present without letting the past creep in?

HUANG: To be honest, I'm still on the journey of learning this stuff, but meditation and self-reflection have been huge in helping me navigate through some confusing times. It's not easy to let go of the past since it's a part of who you are and has shaped you into the person you are today. But I've come to realize that what I do in the present moment will shape my future, not what's already happened. So for me, it's about keeping that in mind and just enjoying what I have.

LUNA: Which lyric from “Disco Ball” would you say is your favorite, and why?

 HUANG: My favorite lyric is “Like the kitchen lights that used to warm me up, now they’re someone else’s disco ball.” I think everyone has their own unique connection to their kitchen, whether it's good or bad memories, and when you move you kind of leave those behind but also carry them with you. That's why I used this metaphor to explain that change is a natural part of life, and it doesn't always have to be a bad thing. It all comes down to how you choose to view it. 

LUNA: This track follows on from your debut EP, -The End-. How would you compare “Disco Ball” to the songs on -The End-?

HUANG: The concept of -The End- is very straight forward, which is about a breakup, and the writing/music style is something that I’ve been doing for a long time. But for “Disco Ball,” I was able to explore bossa nova for the first time!

I like to think of "Disco Ball" as a bridge that connects -The End- to my future projects. What I went through in life in order for -The End- to happen is also a part of my past, and this is my final goodbye to that chapter and to inspire myself to live my life to its fullest. Music-wise, this project sets the intention for me to keep motivating myself to step outside my comfort zone and to try more things.

LUNA: I love the warm, soothing atmosphere your music creates! How would you describe your music to someone who’s never heard it before? 

HUANG: Thank you! My music is mostly alternative R&B with a touch of jazz, which gives it a cool, blue-ish hue with a hint of purple. You know how some people describe music in terms of colors? That's how I see it. Overall, I would like to consider my music as cute, elegant but also mature at the same time.

LUNA: What motivates you to create music? 

HUANG: I think just the love for it. I grew up loving listening to music, and I find it also amazing how people can relate and react differently with music. So it’s always exciting to see others listening to my songs and relating to them. 

LUNA: Is there an aspect of creating music that you don't like? 

HUANG: I think it’s the moment after I finish writing the song! But when it comes to production, sometimes there is that sudden moment where I don’t know which direction to go. It’ll always work out in the end, though — but at the beginning it can get annoying. 

LUNA: What’s next for you after the release of “Disco Ball”?

HUANG: I have two singles featuring two of my really talented friends that I’m putting out after “Disco Ball.” And I’m planning on releasing another EP in the second half of this year. I’m very excited for the world to hear all of ’em!





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