Q&A: Nothing is Holding Doctor Yizzle Back in His New Single “Solo”




SOMETIMES IN LIFE, WE CAN BE THE VERY THING THAT'S HOLDING OURSELVES BACK — Self-doubt and our fear of what others may think of us can halt the progression of our growth and stop us from reaching our truest selves. But when we push ourselves out of our own way and overcome those obstacles, we see the beauty that was hiding beneath it all. Doctor Yizzle talks about that journey in his newest single, “Solo.” This hip-hop–forward track has a powerful beat that carries a melancholic melody. The song is accompanied by meaningful and powerful lyrics that speak of Yizzle’s come-up, as he found his confidence despite the world being uncomfortable with it. The hook repeats “I’ve been in this solo, I’ve been here for so long, sometimes I wanna let go, tired of feeling so low,” showing Yizzle’s dedication to his musical journey.

Born and raised to Korean immigrant parents in Koreatown, LA, Yizzle taught himself how to make beats and engineer in his one-bedroom apartment. Combining a mixture of genres such as hip-hop, lo-fi, alternative rock, and more, Yizzle’s sound embodies the definition of being genreless and speaks to everyone who tunes in. As a growing artist, Yizzle has already accumulated over a million streams across several platforms and has been featured on Rolling Stone India, EnVi Media, Earmilk, and Bridge Music Magazine.

Read more below to learn more about Doctor Yizzle and his newest single, “Solo.”

LUNA: Hey Doctor Yizzle! Let's start with a simple question: How is your year going so far?

YIZZLE: Hello! I am so excited to do this. This year has been very challenging, I would say. This is currently the most challenging part of my life because I am putting pressure on myself to do “more.” I want to create more and do more things that I have dreamt of doing. I want to become closer to my full potential this year. 

LUNA: How would you describe your sound/artistry to a crowd you’re new to?

YIZZLE: I have a range of music, from alternative to hip-hop to afro-influenced music. I have an honest, genuine universe of my own music that translates into the realms of my mind. The universe is a bundle of different sounds that consists of feelings that are pure and love. It is a complete reflection of my energy. I have a song for every mood that we as humans feel. It is electric, and I want my music to be your sanctuary.

LUNA: Wow! That's such a beautiful way to describe your artistry. Can you tell us about your new single, “Solo”?

YIZZLE: This song is about the venture of doing anything in life alone. I am talking specifically about my journey of making music and how I feel like the world does not like when people are being confident because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Therefore this song is the embodiment of my confidence and how I feel about how far I’ve come, although I have so much more to conquer. 

LUNA: What does your creative process look like?

YIZZLE: My creative process is completely different every single time. I usually get influenced by a show, experience, video games, basketball, etc., then I write down my ideas randomly throughout my day. Then I usually find a sample that best fits [what I am feeling] at that moment. After, I would hum melodies and not think too much about them until I hear a melody that I absolutely love. I build around that, then I start writing and arranging the song. I try not to think too much about it when creating and let it all just flow. 

LUNA: What artists influenced you?

YIZZLE: Kanye West is definitely one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to music! XXXTENTACION is also someone who has had an influence on me. [His] perspective on life and how raw his music is are two aspects that I take dearly within myself and my music. 

LUNA: What message do you hope to convey through your music?

YIZZLE: I hope to convey raw energy that gives a sense of comfort to my listeners. The message I represent is that you could do anything on this earth as long as you put your mind to it. Also, it is okay to feel what you are feeling — your feelings are always valid. Try to understand them and find out the what and the why. We don’t pay attention to ourselves anymore because of how invested we seem to be in other people’s lives. 

LUNA: What brings you joy?

YIZZLE: You know when you create that perfect melody? That. That feeling is insane. Or when you create a “good” song by your standards… You can’t help but smile all day. Oh, and my lovely girlfriend and our handsome cat, Sapphire.

LUNA: Oh my gosh, yes! That feeling of knowing that you're looking at/listening to something so good and you're like, “Wait, I made that? Hell yeah, I did!” is such a great feeling! Also, that is so sweet! Being surrounded by someone you love and animals is a guaranteed way to bring happiness. Any plans for 2023?

YIZZLE: In 2023 I would love to organize a show in LA and maybe even perform throughout more cities in the US. I would love to release another project, and I am going to triple our community! Big things are planned but I can’t release too much information just yet. 

LUNA: That all sounds great! Can't wait to see what you have in store this year! Any hobbies outside of music?

YIZZLE: My other passions are basketball and video games. I love the art of basketball and how it tremendously shaped the person I am today. Video games also taught me competitiveness and what it means to work as a team. As a kid, all I did was go outside and play sports or play video games. To this day, I still watch people play both sports. 

LUNA: Question for fun: What is one clothing item you can’t live without? Shoes and accessories can be included but you gotta pick your go-to (laughs).

YIZZLE: I definitely cannot live without my nofear Collections hoodies. Like, oh my goodness gracious. These hoodies are my absolute favorite, and the style of these hoodies is something I have never seen before! You could actually go check them out at www.nofearcollections.com. Incredible. 





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