Q&A: Chris Wills Discusses His "Seasons", New EP and Musical Evolution


Photos By Liz Nistico


ARTISTS OFTEN FIND INSPIRATION IN THE MOST UNEXPECTED PLACES and for Chris Wills, his latest EP was sparked by a journey back to his New Jersey hometown. In a candid conversation with Luna, he delves into the creative process behind this collection of songs and the themes and emotions that form its core. The EP is a sonic exploration that begins with dreams and hope, journeys through loss and introspection, and ultimately embraces change. Wills' musical odyssey reflects the ever-evolving nature of the human experience.

"Seasons," Wills' latest dreamy single, stands as a testament to the profound impact of life's twists and turns on his music. He shares the story of how a turbulent flight, followed by a moment of clarity, gave birth to this ethereal track. Collaborating with the talented Steven Colyer, Wills' music has taken on new dimensions, and their partnership is bound to produce even more mesmerizing material.

Read below for a glimpse into the evolving sound of an artist who has found fresh inspiration and a renewed sense of self in the most unexpected of places.

LUNA: Congrats on the new EP! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your upcoming EP, and what themes or emotions you're exploring in this collection of songs?

WILLS: What inspired the EP was taking a break from LA and going back to my hometown in New Jersey to paint houses and spend time with my family. It gave me a new perspective that at first I fought. But by the time I wrote the last song I welcomed the change. The EP starts out with exploring dreams, hope, then loss and questioning your beliefs. Then anger, frustration, love and change.

LUNA: "Seasons" is your latest dreamy single. Can you share the creative process and the story behind collaborating with Steven Colyer?

WILLS: I had a really bad flight, people were screaming and yelling from the turbulence, we were in a holding pattern in another city for a while, then when we landed I felt so clear and present. Like all the changes that happened over the year solidified. Later when I was walking through the airport I heard a note, a ding from somewhere. That note triggered this song to happen in my head and I started singing it into my voice memos.

Steven Colyer is the best! Super talented! I met him at a mutual friend’s party. Since the ‘Seasons’ single, I’ve been hearing a new sound in my head and I thought Steven could be a great person to collaborate with. We’ve been working on a lot more material too!

LUNA: EPs often allow artists to experiment with different sounds and styles. How would you describe the musical journey that listeners can expect from this upcoming release?

WILLS: Yes, you can hear how I and the sound changes through the EP. I love the first 3 songs and they helped me change as a person and musician. They’re kind of Indie, early Bruce Springsteen, Arcade Fire Pop/Rock and then you can hear the change on the 4th song. That’s where I’m at now.

LUNA: What do you hope listeners will take away from "Seasons" and the EP as a whole in terms of the feelings conveyed through your music?

WILLS: I hope that people can listen to “Seasons” and get what I get out of it. Feeling more connected with yourself and others, more connected with your friends and family, redefining the things in life that are actually important to you. Music doesn’t only need to be like fast fashion. It can be a safe space, something special, for important moments in our lives.

LUNA: How have you seen your sound evolve over time?

WILLS: My sound has gone from teenage DIY, record myself with one mic in my basement on Garageband, then working with pop producers who only wanted my vocals and song, to now working with people I love and trust who share my vision.

LUNA: On the visual end, how important is bringing the visual side to life with your music? What roll do you tend to play?

WILLS: Liz Nistico directed the short film that accompanies the EP, she takes all my photos, designs the artwork, and she understands my vision. It took us a year to film the short film. She sees who I am as a person and artist then adds her own ideas to help it come to life.

LUNA: What intentions do you have for this fall season?

WILLS: My intentions are to stay connected with myself, connect with my partner, friends and family, finish the next EP, save some money, play more shows and make more music!

Connect with CHRIS WILLS




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