Q&A: Channel Tres Looks Ahead After His Electric Performance at Portola


☆ BY Alex LaBrec

Photos By Sophie Gragg


HOUSE MUSIC HAS SHAKEN THE MUSICAL CAMPS OF R&B AND HIP-HOP — since Beyoncé’s RENAISSANCE and Drake’s Honestly, Nevermind revolutionized the way most fans categorized their favorite genre artists. Longtime fans of Compton-native Channel Tres, however, have only had the newfound urge to yell, “He was here first!”

But if you ask Channel Tres himself, he’d point to a source long before him, tracing back over forty years to the black and queer communities that got house music started in Chicago. It’s where he claims to have gained his inspiration for the blend between house and hip-hop back in college. Since, he has blended his own rap lyrics, production style, and new takes on house music to bring listeners a sonic experience unlike any other.

Channel Tres began curating his current sound back in school, with his headphones playing anything from improvisational jazz to Dr. Dre. Though he may have been ahead of his time when he started a few years ago, audiences are finally catching up with this new mixture of electronic, pop, and hip-hop. To prove it, Channel Tres now boasts over two million monthly listeners on Spotify, and his hit “Topdown” (released in 2018), smashed even that number when it hit 36 million streams. 

His most recent release, “No Limit,” has held on to his electronic loyalties while simultaneously maturing to an older sound tied back to memories at backyard family reunions. It’s a gratifying release for fans who have been waiting to hear what’s next since refresh was put out earlier this year, but also an exciting preview for what he has in store for his recently announced upcoming album, Real Cultural Shit. Off the title alone, it would be fair for fans to expect this album to be Tres’ most soul-filled release yet, placing stakes in what he’s learned through musical mentors like Tyler, the Creator and Terrace Martin, as well as the stamp Compton left on him as he grew into an independent musician.

We had the privilege of catching up with him after his performance at Portola’s debut. Read below to hear from the artist himself about the emotions felt alongside his performance at the festival, his upcoming tour, and what he hopes to manifest during what is sure to be an action-packed year for Channel Tres.

LUNA: We’re here at the first year of Portola — you’re playing later and you’ve had a pretty packed year. How are you feeling as you’re starting to wind down the year?

CHANNEL TRES: I feel great. I feel like I feel like I’m living in things I manifested years ago, when I was in college and as a kid. It just feels good to be active again and out in the world spreading music and spreading whatever message my music has.

LUNA: It’s definitely been a journey seeing your sound evolve, but you’ve always kept your signature vibe that makes it clear a song is yours within just a few notes. What are some of the key sonic elements that you’ve been drawn to lately with your music?

CHANNEL TRES: I’m listening to a lot of Prince and a lot of oldies. I guess what I’ve been drawing from is just different ways to make people move. My last song, “No Limit,” was a song about what my family would be listening to while they were playing dominoes or having a barbecue in the backyard. It is just trying to create moments and life experiences for people and for myself.

LUNA: With the performances, you truly create a full experience between the choreography and visuals. What is your favorite element about bringing your music to life, outside of the music itself?

CHANNEL TRES: It all kind of makes my inner child happy. I grew up in choir and doing plays, so it's nice to grow up and be able to still do that and bring the music I make personally into it. I love entertaining. I plan the show to just give people a great experience for the time they’re there. I just love the production of it all. It can be stressful sometimes, but it’s a good stress and is a good problem-solving experience.

LUNA: You’ve been on the festival circuit and now have your headlining tour coming up — what can we expect with these performances?

CHANNEL TRES: The tour is definitely more personal. I play new music that’s not out yet and music [that] has choreography but hasn’t been shared. You will get those different things, whereas the festivals are just familiar songs that I already put out.

LUNA: What intentions do you have for the rest of the year?
CHANNEL TRES: To finish strong, positive, and rested so I can attack next year with 100% energy.





Gallery: Portola 2022


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