Q&A: Catie Turner "One Day" Music Video


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LIKE AN “INDIE FILM TIMOTHEE CHALAMET WOULD BE JEALOUS OF” - Catie Turner takes you to a whole other world with her latest music video “One Day”. Telling the tale of a unique love story in the most elegant and charming way, the “One Day” music video is a treat to your eyes. Turner showcases her emotional vulnerability and honestly through her music, with “One Day” reflective of our desire to return to a “normal” world again.

First capturing the attention of the nation in 2018 as one of the standout stars of American Idol, Turner has been building a foundation for her musical career rooted in an honest take on mental heath topics like anxiety and the pressures of being a young woman. Get your teen coming of age film fix by watching “One Day” below and learn more about Turner’s quarantine, the making of the video and more.

LUNA: How are you taking care of yourself these days?

TURNER: Taking vitamins, getting out of bed, etc. in a global pandemic, you start to see the basics as a form of self-care. I consider it an amazing day when I brush my hair and wear jeans!

LUNA: What are some of the main ways you’ve seen quarantine impact your creative process?

TURNER: Well, I write from experience - hot guy at a garden party, person who looked at me the wrong way and me getting hypersensitive, all of that jazz. So when you are trapped inside, I have found that I have nothing really to write about. Some days I wished my ex would message me just to add some ~ s p i c e ~. The creative block is real!

LUNA: The video for “One Day” is really creative and so well made - congrats on the release! Can you share a little bit about the making of the video?

TURNER: Thank you so much! That is all Christina Xing, the director, and her team for making it look like an indie film Timothee Chalamet would be jealous of. This was my first music video, so the making of it was very nerve wracking. A lot of me going out of comfort zone (I had a fake boyfriend! And he is an amazing actor, so he actually looked like he liked me! I could barely make eye contact, I was so nervous) and a lot of me laughing during takes when I wasn’t supposed to. Overall, it was super fun to make and I’m happy to hear people like it!

LUNA: What do you like most about bringing the visual side of your music to life?

TURNER: I have an excuse to wear pretty dresses and pretend I’m a famous actress.

Photos By Jimmy Fontaine

Photos By Jimmy Fontaine

LUNA: The song “One Day” itself is just beautiful, and obviously very relevant to these times. From a songwriting perspective, what set of lyrics from the song are you most proud of?
TURNER: Honestly, it may sound stupid, but just “One Day at a Time” are the lyrics I’m most proud of. I am a self - proclaimed queen of sad girl tunes, so to have something sort of... optimistic in my catalog was something I, and my mother who constantly tells me to write happy songs, was happy to embrace with open arms.

LUNA: Your music serves as an emotional outlet for yourself, often touching on social anxiety and the pressures of being a young woman. What do you hope your listeners can take away from your music?

TURNER: I hope they take away that they are more normal than they think. Depression and anxiety have a way of changing the narrative in your head, making you feel like it’s you against the world and you are on your own tiny island, completely isolated from everything and everyone. I want them to see that they aren’t alone, no matter how loud the voice is trying to convince them that they are. They are seen.

Catie Turner - Jimmy Fontaine - #3.jpg

LUNA: Outside of music, are there any other creative avenues you’d like to explore more?

TURNER: I want to learn how to sew! But I have sausage fingers - and very little patience - so it’s been difficult.

LUNA: A fun one - if you could have any super power what would you pick?

TURNER: The super power that wipes any of my embarrassing moments from people’s memories. Like me falling on my face in the snow? I’d make them forget it ever happened.

LUNA: As this crazy year winds down, what intentions do you have for 2021?

TURNER: I hope to just get my shit together. I’m reusing the same intentions I had for 2020; this year is the do-over and I SWEAR I will actually do more than 300 steps a day next year - but next year, no pressure yet.





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