Q&A: BXKS Transports Fans into a New World with Her Genre Bending Debut Mixtape Full Time Daydreamer


☆ BY Aarohi Sheth


BXKS IS CHANGING THE UK RAP SCENE ONE VIDEO GAME SOUND AT A TIME - The Luton native boldly mixes old video game sounds with experimental, futuristic beats, cosmic samples and her self described “alternative grime” raps in which she speaks on everything from the pressures of social media and its various ways of consuming or trapping us to being broke to making her own way and accomplishing her goals.

It all started when BXKS’s friends put her on the spot and made her rap. This impromptu freestyle in her friend’s car led to a studio session and then a viral, Skepta co-signed Mixtape Madness freestyle. 

Now, with her eight-track debut mixtape, Full Time Daydreamer, BXKS not only bends genres -- as the beeps and boops of the video game samples blend into the cosmic-ness of her beats and flow under her quick, thought-provoking raps -- but creates a new world for fans with the accompanying music videos, which are oftentimes a surreal, sci-fi style that further immerse fans into the dimension that BXKS has created with her craft. 

Read below to learn more about the musician and rapper and the process behind her mixtape Full Time Daydreamer.

LUNA: Your music has such a fun edge and energy to it. Sonically, what are some of the key elements that make your sound yours? 

BXKS: Thank you! I get my inspiration from so many places, but the sounds are from video games mostly - the old school ones like Pokémon and Sonic - and from the anime’s I watch. My favourite is Parasytes.  

LUNA: The past year has affected artists in so many different ways - how have you seen your creative process shift during this time? 

BXKS: To be fair, though I started taking making music more seriously during the first wave of Corona and it did slow down the process for me a little. In regards to my creative process, it actually allowed me to learn how to record myself from home which is needed when there is no studio available.

LUNA: Congrats on your upcoming mixtape, FULL TIME DAYDREAMER - very exciting! Describe the project in three words. 

BXKS: Dreamy, sci-fi and colorful. 

LUNA: What’s your favorite line/lyric from this project? 

BXKS: "Can’t you see the way that I'm acting? Bare peng tings I’m attracting."

LUNA: Which track from the mixtape represents you best as an artist? 

BXKS: "Must Feel” and “Work Like."

LUNA: The visuals we’ve seen from you so far are super creative and make the feel of your music for sure. What role are you playing in all of your visual work?

BXKS: I came up with the concept for the “Packed In” and “Work Likevideos. I also offered most of the ideas for the “Must Feel” video and had help from the director in creating the mood board too. I think it’s really important for me to always have involvement in creating my music videos since I’m the writer of the songs.


LUNA: What do you like about bringing this side of your work to life? 

BXKS: It allows the audience to kind of see my personality through the videos, since I don’t do a lot of talking on social media.

LUNA: The music industry is starting to be a lot more inclusive and diverse which is awesome, but there’s definitely a lot of work to be done. What positive changes would you like to see? 

 BXKS: As a woman in the industry I would like to see more women at the forefront, especially when it comes to booking us for festivals. [It] seems to be very male based at the moment, which I have no problem with but there are a lot of women that can perform at the same level if not better if given a chance.

LUNA: A fun one - attach the last photo from your camera roll?



LUNA: What intentions do you have for the upcoming months?

BXKS: I have plans to release more music and a second mixtape, and I really want to get into doing more features with my favourite artists.





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