Spotlight: Breena’s “at the seaside”




In the ever-evolving realm of music, there exists a tapestry woven with notes, rhythms, and emotions. At the heart of this tapestry lies Breena—a multifaceted artist whose melodies resonate with depth and authenticity. From the intimate whispers of jazz to the vibrant hues of indie-pop, Breena's musical journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and self-discovery.

At the tender age of eight, Breena's love affair with music began with classical trumpet lessons—a journey that would later lead her to the mesmerizing world of jazz. As she delved deeper into the art form, she discovered new avenues of expression, teaching herself to play the piano and sing. Today, as a trumpet player, singer, songwriter, and producer, Breena embodies the essence of artistic versatility—a testament to her unwavering passion for the craft.

In her musical odyssey, Breena draws inspiration from a myriad of sources. From the soulful melodies of Amy Winehouse to the eclectic genius of Damon Albarn, her influences traverse the vast landscape of musical genres. Yet, it is the jazz scene itself that serves as a wellspring of inspiration—an ever-present muse that guides her artistic endeavors.

As her musical prowess continues to evolve, Breena finds herself embracing new horizons of creativity. With each passing year, she integrates her main instrument, the trumpet, more deeply into her compositions, infusing them with a unique blend of soul and melody. Through self-production, she endeavors to craft music that resonates authentically with her vision—a testament to her unwavering dedication to her craft.

Reflecting on her creative process, Breena finds solace and inspiration in the serenity of the seaside. It is here, amidst the ebb and flow of the waves, that she finds clarity and peace—a refuge from the complexities of life. The song "At the Seaside" emerges as a poignant reflection of this journey—a melodic tapestry woven from the threads of introspection and renewal.

Collaboration serves as a cornerstone of Breena's artistic philosophy. Whether producing her own demos or working alongside fellow musicians like Florian Ehrmann, she embraces the synergy of collective creativity. Together, they breathe life into her compositions, each note resonating with shared passion and purpose.

Balancing the demands of artistry and livelihood, Breena embraces the freedom of freelance life—a path that allows her to pursue her passions without constraint. As an interior architect and musician, she navigates the intersection of creativity and commerce, finding inspiration in the diverse tapestry of her experiences.

Looking toward the future, Breena's aspirations soar high. With dreams of embarking on a tour and collaborating with artists like Khruangbin, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of musical excellence. As she enters her thirty-second year, she embraces the quirks of life with a spirit that thrives on collaboration and exploration.

In the vibrant mosaic of contemporary music, Breena stands as a beacon of creativity and resilience—a testament to the power of artistic expression and the boundless depths of human imagination. With each note, she invites listeners on a journey—a journey of introspection, discovery, and the transformative power of music.

Connect with BREENA




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