Bran Movay 'Flower Talk II' EP Interview

☆ By Shonali Bose

Photos By Kya Lou

Photos By Kya Lou


FEARLESS AND FULL OF PERSONALITY - rapper Bran Movay’s latest EP Flower Talk II takes all the right risks and takes the listener through a journey filled with energy and spunk. As a producer and rapper, Movay weaves together different vibes, instruments and styles that captivate the listener through the whole project. Each track brings on a completely new side of Movay’s style, but they all seem to effortlessly fit together on the EP. Flower Talk II makes it clear: there’s no stopping this recent University of Southern California grad as he navigates his way through the music scene. 

Tune in to Movay’s Zoom Release Party tomorrow night at 8 pm PST + get ready to fall in love with his new EP, out Friday. Read below to learn more about Movay’s process, time in quarantine and more. 


LUNA: How are doing lately? How has quarantine been treating ya? 

MOVAY: I definitely can’t complain. I’ve been back home in Dallas, enjoying the time and finishing up a bunch music. I consider myself super blessed to be in such a comfortable position during all this craziness.

LUNA: The EP starts off with a great energy that’s kept throughout the whole EP. What are some of the main ways you’ve seen your sound evolve?

 MOVAY: I feel myself gradually becoming the perfect mixture of all my influences. I’m definitely not there yet, but it’s like pouring different ingredients into a boiling pot — all this time I’ve been stirring and I’m slowly figuring out my own musical identity as a combination of all the sounds and artists that inspire me. As a producer, I’ve always had a lot of creative control in making beats that reflect my style, but lately I’ve been able to listen back on certain songs and be like “This is me, this is the core of Bran Movay.” 

LUNA: Can you share a favorite moment / memory from the creative process of making this EP? 

MOVAY: Making “Greens!” was a pretty jaw-dropping process for me. Watching that song evolve into its final form, I felt like a proud father watching their son grow up. It was wild; it went from loops and a drum beat to movie soundtrack level production. I’ve been calling it my magnum opus.


LUNA: Is there a common theme or narrative this project touches on?

MOVAY: To be upfront, not really. I’ve given it the tagline “a compilation of thoughts from a mind in flux” but it’s really just the second iteration of my time in college and reflects all my sentiments throughout then. I dropped Flower Talk 1 the summer after my freshman year, and having just graduated, it felt right to close out this time with #2.

LUNA: Which track means the most to you?

MOVAY: Oof, great question! Probably the closing track “Bioluminescent.” I don’t want to say too much because I want people to have their own experience with it. But that song is the heart and soul of the project.

LUNA: Lyrically, what are some of your favorite lines from this project? 

MOVAY: Again, I kind of want people to find the gems on their own haha. But if I had to flex my pen one time, I’d say “I wore my best kicks in the worst weather / Dark times we shine better."


LUNA: What role has collaboration with other creatives played in your career?

MOVAY: Collaboration has been everything. Sometimes I wonder what my music would sound like if I had ended up somewhere other than Los Angeles. But whether it's working with talented instrumentalist or even just getting advice and opinions on things, collaboration has always had a huge influence on my creative process.

LUNA: You’ve always tapped into the visual side of your music, which I love. Why is bringing that visual side to life to accompany your music important to you?

MOVAY: I really appreciate you saying that! I sometimes tell people I’m just a person who loves to create that happened to latch onto music because if not that, it probably would’ve been something else. I value the visual aspect of things just as much as the audio, to me cover art isn’t an afterthought. That’s why I usually start thinking about visuals in tandem with creating the music.


LUNA: I know it’s a bit difficult given the circumstances, but do you have any plans for future visuals for this project?

MOVAY: Yes! You know despite everything, I believe artists have to find ways to keep doing their jobs. So yes, we’re working on a music video right now for one of the songs off the project. 

LUNA: With Flower Talk II out, what’s next for you?

MOVAY:  Well of course I’m gonna ride out this project to its fullest. I’m looking forward to putting out more visuals I’ve got in the bank, including merch! But afterwards I’d really like to invest time into producing — continuing to produce for other artists and maybe opening a beat store eventually. Right now, I’m already working on producing a project for my homie and sister Tsega Beloved, check her stuff out!






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