Q&A: Bensbeendead. Takes You On An Emotional Rollercoaster with 'LOVELY CREATURES'


ALLURING PRODUCTION AND SOULFUL VOCALS are just the surface-level elements that draw you into the music of Bensbeensdead. The Portland-based composer, singer and producer truly has a way of capturing emotions through sound and highlights this talent with the his new EP LOVELY CREATURES. Honing in on his sound more than ever before, Bensbeendead. explores the universal emotions we all as humans experience through the EP, taking the listener through a rollercoaster of feelings and narratives. 

Ben notes, “LOVELY CREATURES was the result of trying to make something a little less introspective than my last project, but something more universal. I really wanted to capture all the different sides of myself - and with that, all the different sides of being human and the emotions that go with it. With each song I really wanted to hone in on topics of our relationships with each other and ourselves and to use the instrumentation to breathe emotional life into the project. At the end of the day LOVELY CREATURES boils down to an exploration of what it means to be human.” 

Tracks like “WALKING BACKWARD” and “FEELS LIKE DANCING” bring the edge and energy you’ll find yourself craving while songs like “AMI” and “REPLICA” will have you in your feels in just a few notes. “FRENCH EXIT” showcases the juxtaposition of the EP with sorrowful vocals mixing with powerful beats while “MANY MOONS” keeps the listener hooked with each note. Bensbeensdead’s vocal range is highlighted through each track on the EP while layering effortlessly with thoughtful production. 

Take the journey that LOVELY CREATURES creates for the listener and read below to learn more from Ben on the making of the EP, some of his favorite elements and more. 

LUNA: Congrats on the release of LOVELY CREATURES! What’s the ideal setting for a first time listen?

BENSBEENDEAD.: Thank you so much! Honestly for the first time listen I would be in a dark, quiet place, get a good combo of weed & liquor going, and put some nice quality headphones on to get the full effect. The sonic landscape of this project is really pretty wild if you listen with intent in a setting like that.

LUNA: Looking back, can you share a favorite moment / memory from the making of the project?

BENSBEENDEAD.: I think my favorite moment from making this project was the day that Dave Gutter and I made “FEELS LIKE DANCING”. At the start of the session, I was having a hard time trying to figure out what kind of music I wanted to make. Even more than that, I had no idea what I wanted to say and I kept feeling like I needed to feel things and talk about them even when I wasn’t feeling them. I was getting pretty frustrated when Dave noticed and said something like ‘Why don’t we just write about something simple and fun, like dancing?’ After that, the writing started to flow pretty easily and I kinda fell in love with the idea of writing less about how I was feeling at that exact moment and more about something light and universal, even from someone else’s perspective. That same night, the horn section that is featured on the song just happened to be practicing at my studio and before they left I asked them if we could try to come up with some horn parts to add to the song. I think it really took the song to a whole other level after that.

LUNA: How do you think your physical surroundings shaped the feel of the project if at all?

BENSBEENDEAD.: This was the first project that I’ve made that I really spent full days in a row fully locked in on the idea of working as hard as I could until it was finished. Dave & I spent roughly a month in the spring/summer coming to the studio from morning until night working on these songs until we felt they were ready. I think spending that much time in one place and removing ourselves from the possibility of outside distractions really helped us get into a different head space to create the music that we did.

LUNA: This project is less introspective and more universal, touching on the range of emotions that come with being humans. What’s your favorite emotion you got to explore with this EP?

BENSBEENDEAD.: In the past I have spent so much time trying to process my own emotions and the feelings that come along with my anxiety and depression, but it was nice for a change to try to tap into some more positive feelings that come with having fun and getting fucked up, something that whether we want to admit it or not, everyone loves to do to some degree. “FRENCH EXIT”, “WALKING BACKWARDS” & “FEELS LIKE DANCING” were songs that let me tap into some more universally enjoyed subjects.

LUNA: Which set of lyrics are you most proud of?


“All covered in cuts

But we bandage them well

I do what I can

With the hand I was dealt

It’s a shame

That we can’t feel alright

In the summer

Stalled by paranoia,

Something paranormal

Happens to you”

LUNA: Your vocals continue to be a stand out element of your music and they truly capture the listener’s full attention. Who are some of your favorite vocalists?

BENSBEENDEAD.: My favorite vocalist of all time is Justin Vernon of Bon Iver. His range and tone are consistently absolutely bewitching to me and I try to bring that same feeling to the way that I deliver vocals. I also love Riz La Vie, he has such a unique tone and delivery that captivate you every time you hear it.

LUNA: Shows are back and you have one coming up this month - so exciting! What elements of the project are you most excited to translate to the live setting?

BENSBEENDEAD.: Finally right?! Yes I’m super excited to get back on stage & for the first time ever with a full band. As we have been practicing, my favorite song live so far has been “WALKING BACKWARDS” because of how much energy it has and how hard it hits. I love that my band has been doing a great job of trying to translate all of the little intricate details of the production to live instrumentation. It’s been fun to be a part of.

LUNA: As the year winds down and now that you have a new project out, what are your intentions for this final month of 2021?
BENSBEENDEAD.: I want to do whatever I can to get this record heard by as many people as possible around the world. I really do believe in this record and believe anyone who hears it will enjoy it, so my job just becomes trying to get it to the masses.





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