Q&A: Barber for the Queen


Written by Astrid Ortega


SYNTHY DREAMS- The Montreal based band, Barber for the Queen, is creating indie-pop rock music that will make you feel like you’re in another world. With a different sound, Barber for the Queen release their new EP Slide, that is filled with dark synths and will remind you of the 70s/80s, that will easily give you visuals to create in your mind. Keep reading to have some insight on Barber for the Queen’s music!

Luna: While making your new EP Slide, how did you guys make it different from previous released music?

BFTQ: I think the music just came differently than with our first EP. I guess we don’t always want to sound the same which is why this EP doesn’t sound like our older releases and it probably won’t sound like the next ones.

Luna: Where has your inspiration been drawing from?

BFTQ: Probably from the music we listen to but I think we specifically had a sound in mind when we recorded the music so we all knew where it was going. We all come from different places, so the inspirations we have come from a lot of various artists.


Luna: What was a memorable moment while making your new EP?

BFTQ: When we were recording the demo for “Spinning”, we stayed up until we finished the mix and it was getting pretty late. As we were talking ideas for some part of the song, Zach turned around and poured his beer all over the computer and we lost everything. We forgot one part of the song so we replaced it with some chords we had. Who knows what it would have sounded like!


Luna: How does the music scene in Montreal play into your sound?

BFTQ: I think there’s such a big music scene in Montreal and that’s why there’s something for everybody. Just about anybody can make music, create their own sound and there is something very exciting about that.

Luna: What feeling best describes your music?

BFTQ: There’s no particular feeling to any song. We probably feel a certain way about our songs and other people will feel something different from it. I think it stands more with the spirit of the music, if anyone can feel what they want about a song.

 Luna: How does it feel to be putting out music in a time where everyone is trying to make music?  

BFTQ: It feels good. Putting out new music is always really fun and that’s probably the best way to get feedback from people around you.

Luna: What would you guys say to someone who is thinking or trying to put music out there but feel intimidated?  

BFTQ: It's pretty easy to get your music out these days. I think we should consider ourselves lucky to have platforms such as Spotify, it really makes things less complicated. If you have recordings of yourself it’s just fun putting them out and it feels good to get it out of your system too.







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